Call for Motion Heroes Challenge

The Call for Motion Heroes Challenge is a submission contest for motion graphics content that rewards Artists who are creative in their craft and are fast to react to the industry’s needs for motion graphics elements.
The holidays are fast approaching, but special occasions are abound the whole year round. The industry is in need of After Effects templates under the Festivals & Occasions category such as, but not limited to:
* Anniversaries
* Birthdays
* Chinese New Year
* Christmas
* Easter
* Halloween
* Independence Days
* New Year Celebrations
* Thanksgiving
* Valentines Day
* Weddings
We are setting US $1,900 into the heroic prize pool for this challenge so submit existing or create new templates that qualify under this category.
Each and every Call for Motion Challenge will have varying Winning Mechanics. The 3 Winning Winning Mechanics for this challenge are:
Winning Mechanic 1: First 15 Templates
Be among the first 15 After Effects templates that are approved and successfully published under the Festivals & Occasions category. There is a cap of 3 winning templates or $300 per Artist. More than 3
templates can be submitted to increase the chances of getting more rewards (see below).
Winning Mechanic 2: Top 3 Most Number of Templates
Be one of the 3 Artists who submit the most number of qualifying templates to get an additional $100.
Winning Mechanic 3: Try your luck with the Raffle Draw
All qualified and approved templates are given 1 entry to the Raffle Draw. At the end of the period, MotionElements will randomly draw one template whose Artist will receive an additional $100.
All for a maximum total take home per Artist of $500!
So submit fast or as much as you can to stand greater chances of winning a share in the heroic prize pool.
What: Online Submission Contest for After Effects Templates
When: 1 September 2013, 21:00 PDT – 15 October 2013, 21:00 PDT
Who: Open to All Motion Graphics Artists Worldwide
How to Win: US$1,900 
First 15 Approved Templates – $100 each (max $300 per Artist)
Top 3 Artists with Most Templates Approved – $100 each
Raffle Draw – $100
How to Join: Submit After Effects Templates under Festivals & Occasions category
All participants must also read, understand, and agree to the Terms & Conditions of the competition
Monday, September 2, 2013 - 12:00pm to Wednesday, October 23, 2013 - 12:00pm
Submission Deadline 
Wednesday, October 16, 2013 - 12:00pm