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Category: Voice Acting

David Blogs

Frenzer Foreman Animation Forum (podcast) x 04

This week on the Forum, Joel attempts to summon the wisdom of ghosts while Alan has an identity crisis of historical proportions and unwittingly reveals one of Hollywood's best-kept summer blockbuster secrets. Then, Dave "David B." Levy stops by to talk about how to juggle animation multitasking, authoring books on pitching and job-getting, Ben Franklin, industry infestation, Mad Men, and popping one's bubble. And, you actually can rewind a clock, not that hard.

Headline News

Moomins Gets Three More Stars

It was announced today that Academy Award nominee Max von Sydow (“Robin Hood”, “Shutter Island”, “Minority Report”), Mads Mikkelsen (“Clash of the Titans”, “Casino Royale”) and Helena Mattsson (“Iron Man 2”, “Surrogates”) have joined the voice cast for the 3D animated family feature MOOMINS AND THE COMET CHASE.

Animation Blogs

Frenzer Foreman Animation Forum (podcast) x 03

Author, animator, and 80's cartoon voice reenactor, The Definitive Tim Finn, stops by to discuss coffee-table books, animation based on colors, and 3D Chess. Joel and Alan then engage Tim in a very brief but colossal battle of capitalism in FFAF's newest radio game, "Two Minute Monopoly". All is then put classier when the beautiful, the insightful, and the ever effervescent Lorelei Pepi reveals her unorthodox recipe for Italian Wedding Soup, her thoughts on animation and art, and why FFAF's other newest radio game, "Brain Cloning", is a good excuse to beat up on Joel's face.

Foreman Blogs

Frenzer Foreman Animation Forum (podcast) x 02

In episode 2 of The Forum, Frenzer and Foreman are intentionally confronted by the mind, the mystique, and the magic of the creative juggernaut power-house - Andy London. Words are said, wisdom is sown

Headline News

Comic-Con Closer to Staying in San Diego

Every year fans and industry insiders alike wonder whether Comic-Con’s days in San Diego are numbered. VARIETY reports that San Diego has made a big move to keep the Con right where it is.

Cartoon Headline News

Tooned! Talk Show To Launch On TV Tropolis This Spring

Breakthrough Films & Television's live-action factual series, TOONED, is scheduled to debut on Canada's TV Tropolis on Friday, March 19, 2010 during the 11:30/19:30/22:00 time slots, it was announced today by Ira Levy and Peter Williamson, executive producers and founders of Breakthrough.


Spike Spencer and Vandal Hearts: Flames of Judgment

So, I’m not exactly the RPG type. And I haven’t played the game yet. But I did happen to grab a few minutes with Spike Spencer. A notable voice actor in the anime and gaming worlds, Spike lends his vocal talents to the characters Connor Ganson and Menicks Rence.
