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REVIEW: Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds
Marvel vs Capcom 3 answers the most important comic related question ever... Why can She Hulk talk in complete sentences and the Hulk can't?
Gnomon Shows Off Art From Transformers: War for Cybertron
Gnomon's art gallery shows off Transformers: War for Cybertron. Great looking art featuring Optimus Prime, Megatron and... Zoidberg?
GAMES OF 2010: Mafia II
Mafia II had me talking like a tough-guy the whole time I played it. Although I still can't say “wack a guy” without giggling just a little.
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - PS3 content, trailer and Raiden!
Raiden from Metal Gear Solid makes an appearance in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. Plus, PS3 exclusive content!
Call of Duty: Black Ops To Feature Zombies!
Commence with the zombie blasting! Call of Duty: Black Ops will feature zombies! Hit the link to read on.
Borderlands new DLC, Game of the Year Edition, Trailer and more!
Claptrap's New Robot Revolution has just been released for Borderlands. Read ahead to hear more and to see the launch trailer!
REVIEW: Metroid: Other M
The Metroid series makes a return with the help of Team Ninja. Check out the review of Metroid: Other M
An outstanding, completely 2D animated, downloadable title rips a new one on the PS3 and 360. Hit the jump to check out Shank
REVIEW: Sin and Punishment: Star Successor
One of the most fun experiences on the Wii ever! Sin and Punishment: Star Successor is all about old-school fun and cheesy dialogue!
Viewtiful Joe and Dormammu Gameplay Trailers - Marvel vs Capcom 3
Hit the jump to see the first ever gameplay footage of Viewtiful Joe and Dormammu as playable characters in Marvel vs Capcom 3!
REVIEW: Crackdown 2
Crackdown returns to the Xbox 360, now with multiplayer! Hit the jump to see the review of Crackdown 2!
Warner Bros. Announces Batman: Arkham City
Warner Bros. and DC Comics announce the sequel to one of the most awesome games of 2009! Hit the jump to check out Batman: Arkham City.
Street Fighter X Tekken Trailer... Make Sure To Have Clean Undies Available!
Street Fighter X Tekken... I think Plankton from SpongeBob SquarePants said it best when he said "OH MY GOODNESS!"
REVIEW: Rocket Knight
It's the 90s all over again in Konami's newest downloadable title featuring Sparkster. Hit the jump for the review of Rocket Knight!
REVIEW: Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction
Sam Fisher is a military grade ninja in Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction. Hit the jump to see the review.
REVIEW: Super Street Fighter IV
Oily wrestlers and females with hair like ram’s horns. Oh Capcom, you’re so zany! Hit the link to see the review of Super Street Fighter IV!
REVIEW: Alan Wake
Flashlight? Check. Revolver? Check. Tweed jacket with leather elbows? Check. Hit the jump to see the review of Alan Wake by Remedy games!