Bret Hart will be playable in THQ's WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011. Click to see the gameplay trailer!
THQ has just announced that WWE legend and Hall of Famer Bret "The Hitman" Hart will be headlining their forth coming WWE game, WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011. This is great news for guys like me who grew up watching Bret Hart but to be quite honest, this is not the first time Bret Hart has appeared in a SmackDown vs. Raw title. So what makes this one so special? Well for starters, this SmackDown vs. Raw is most likely a celebration of Bret Hart's recent involvement with the WWE.
Bret Hart has not been involved with the WWE since 1997 when the infamous Montreal Screwjob took place creating incredible amounts of controversy and animosity between Bret Hart and WWE owner, Vince McMahon. For those of you who think I am talking about a "storyline" that happened in typical choreographed pro wrestling fashion, I'm actually not. This is something that really happened between employees of an actual company and the company's owner. Bret Hart made a return appearance on WWE television earlier this year after being gone for almost 13 years so you can understand why THQ and WWE are treating this particular WWE game as such a big deal. Anyways, back to the game.
Basically, Bret Hart will only be a playable character exclusively to those who buy the game right when it comes out. The first batch of WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011 copies for the PS3 and 360 will be a special edition much like the way that Medal of Honor and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 both had special editions right when they came out. This special edition will have unique packaging that features The Hitman on the cover and a download voucher to unlock The Hitman in the game.
This might just be a way for THQ to discourage people from buying the game used. If it is, it's working for me. (damn you THQ!)