VFXWorld Magazine
ILM Head Rob Bredow to Deliver SIGGRAPH 2018 Keynote Address
Gosha Joins Method Studios’ L.A. Design Team
Designer and director with credits for top brands Apple, Facebook and Lexus will be creative director for the company.
WATCH: Dennis Gansel Talks ‘Jim Button & Luke the Engine Driver’ at FMX 2018
The director discusses his latest film, the live-action/VFX driven adaptation of the classic German children’s story.
New Sheriff in Town: ILM’s Rob Bredow Talks ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’
From in-camera effects to the latest virtual production techniques, Industrial Light and Magic’s newly appointed head rounds up more than 1,800 VFX shots for the Star Wars stand-alone anthology space western.
The Scoop on VR in China
Auction Offers ‘Star Wars,’ ‘Blade Runner,’ ‘Terminator’ Props
More than 2,000 movie collectibles will be on the block for Profiles in History’s Icons & Legends of Hollywood event, set for June 5-8 in Los Angeles.
Framestore Names Vic Lovejoy Senior VFX Producer
Exec brings extensive production experience in film, television and commercials to the company’s advertising division.
Framestore Delivers A Slice of the Action for ‘Deadpool 2’
Delivering 229 shots, including a nearly all-CG finale sequence, VFX powerhouse leads work on the two main CG characters -- Colossus and Juggernaut -- as well as providing superhero VFX and animation work.
Animafest PRO Schedules Master Classes, Lectures, Discussions
Robert Morgan, Kim Keukeleire and Pedro Rivero to teach master classes during the event, part of Animafest Zagreb, running June 4-9.
SIGGRAPH Technical Papers Present Innovations From 38 Countries
Jared Mass Returns to Reel FX to Head Originals Unit
Technicolor Academy Launched to Develop, Train VFX Talent
Program open to recent film-school graduates will include eight to 10 weeks of intensive hands-on training and a one-year full-time paid internship.
Shotgun Opens Entries for 2018 Pipeline Awards
Building A Better Colossus: How They Raised the VFX Stakes for ‘Deadpool 2’
Production VFX supervisor Dan Glass doubles down on the creation of a more unified Colossus with simultaneous facial capture and voice performance, and geometry-based character animation.
‘Solo’ VFX Supe Rob Bredow to Keynote VIEW Conference 2018
How Method Studios Crafted Rocket 2.0 for ‘Avengers: Infinity War’
Method VFX supervisor Greg Steele oversees delivery of 430 shots for the culmination of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, including upgrades for Rocket and Groot featuring hand-keyed character animation.
Alchemy II, Henson Revive ‘Teddy Ruxpin’ for New Series
Cartoon Merchandise Deals Herald Wrap for Licensing Expo
Fans can watch for new products featuring ‘Cuphead,’ Cartoon Network shows, ‘PJ Masks,’ ‘Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood,’ ‘Pablo,’ ‘Yu-Gi-Oh!,’ ‘Beylade Burst’ and more.
Defining Thanos: Weta Brings Motion Capture to New Heights for ‘Avengers: Infinity War’
Weta Digital and Digital Domain transform Josh Brolin’s motion capture performance into a believable and imposing CG adversary.
WB, Imagine, Animal Logic Form Production Pact
Companies agree to five-year deal to co-produce and co-finance animated and hybrid features for family audiences.
Box Office: ‘Deadpool 2’ Succeeds ‘Avengers’ at No. 1
Framestore Names New Joint Heads of CG
Grant Walker and Ahmed Garraph join the leadership ranks for the studio’s advertising, television and immersive entertainment work.