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The Business of Animation

student style issues

i'm not sure if this is the right place to be asking this, so please forgive me. it seemed to be the most appropriate.
i'm an animation student, and recently my drawing style has been seriously bothering me. i've taken a lot of life drawing classes, but i don't seem to be improving or anything changing in my "animation" drawing. do/have any of you had the same problem, and do you have any suggestions as to how to overcome it? i know it's unlikely that i could change something like this overnight, but any change would be appreciated.

Movie trailers

By herve | Friday, October 15, 2004 at 4:52am


I suggest you to see my website at

It presents movie trailers of animation that I did by myself.

I search now some financial investment to develop and diffuse this new type of animation production.

The speed of production may interest you : 3 weeks and a half for 1 teaser (with soundtrack and FX). My method of production reduce cost production.

Could you help me ?

PS : Sorry for my english level but I work it !!

Want to by animation for babies

By forman | Wednesday, October 13, 2004 at 5:25pm

Hello all,

I am looking for two things:
A. Stocks of very simple 2D animations or footage suitable for babies, animation such as geometric shapes, bright colors, animals etc’

B. Free lancers who wish to create such animations, guidelines and scripts shall be provided. Please provide a sample of work and a proposal per hour of content.


Bob Forman

Portfolio critiques welcome and needed ...

By tibby101 | Tuesday, October 12, 2004 at 5:06am

Tuam libera mentem - Free your mind

I need some feedback on my portfolio website. I would like to know what I am doing right and what areas I need to improve upon.

I am seriously doubting my abilities as an animator/artist. Lack of jobs and too much competition - but I need to know what I can do to stay on top of the piles for employment that may arise someday. Anyone currently working in a studio, I highly value your honest opinions on if I am employable or not.

My Portfolio

Question:music copyrights

By eric pugh | Monday, October 4, 2004 at 10:21am

I'm pretty new to animation, but am learning quickly. (2D) I have a question regarding the use of copyrighted music in an animated short. I am now working on characters and a script for a short that I plan on submitting to a festival next year. Is there a problem using copyrighted music for this sort of thing? I mean, except for prizes festivals are generally non-profit. (for the artist, at least.) I've never been to an animation festival and was wondering if that is allowed.(Submission guidelines seem never seem to mention these sort of details.)

Venture capital sought

I have several projects, both animation and live action, one with a pilot in production, some are fully scripted and ready to go, some are synopses and some just concept outlines. I want to develop them into completed pilot films as I think that concepts and synopses presented with pilot films are more saleable through markets like Annecy and Siggraph, rather than concepts and synopses presented on their own, but I need some venture capital to do it. If you are interested send me an email.

Cost for 20 min children animation video

By Samnam | Tuesday, September 28, 2004 at 1:33am

I have a concept in mind and want to invest in converting it into a 20 minute educational home video animation film for children. I am currently in Delhi, India, and have absolutely no idea of how the animation industry works, but am convinced that the concept will sell. Can I get estimates of the funds I would need to get it made? I intend selling the final video through Amazon, ebay and private channels. Any pointers and assistance is welcome.

Setting up studio enquiries

By fitri | Saturday, September 25, 2004 at 2:51am

Dear All,

Hi, hope all is well with everybody. I'm new.. but hope i'll be able to contribute and get some contribution in return.

I was just wondering if anyone out there dont mind giving me some
advice or pointers to where i can find answers to my Qs.

I'm trying to do some research on how to set up an
small animation studio.

I would like to find out what are the equipments that are essentials to purchase, and what equipments that more suitable to rent or

Sounds and Voices discussion areas on the web

"The dog is Cerberus, the girl Zoe, I'm Dirge"

I have been following the discussions on several boards looking for talk of sounds and voices. Places like AWN of course and,, It seems that all the talk is of the picture - the visual. But as George Lucas was once heard to say "sound is half the picture." Does this mean that the people who frequent these discussion areas are only those concerned with the visuals? Or 'are' there people working on the whole project talking somwhere about what voices to use and sounds to create or design and I just have not found them?

Question about self promotion

By Joebun | Thursday, September 23, 2004 at 12:08pm

Just wondering if anyone could advise on how to go about doing self promotion for freelance work. I know illustrators can use postcard mailing list services, but is there a similar resource for animators?

So far, searching on all my local and regional work websites only gets me the occasional job, is there a method to advertise or get more exposure for a specific audience or industry?

Please read on. this IS important!

By Fazendinha | Monday, September 20, 2004 at 10:17pm

"check it out, you know it makes sense!"

Sometime ago I answered the following ad for the AWN joblist . I would like to know if any of you actually answered to this job and the results.
Believe me this is important, as I have been cheated out of a job because of this and now I believe that I found out why.

getting out and about

By kittymao | Monday, September 20, 2004 at 12:02pm

I apologize if I'm insulting anyone by being realtively new and posing pertinent questions right away. I'm in a bit of a rut and am looking for advice- Maybe you've been through it or maybe ARE going through it.

I have graduated from Art College (huzzah!) with a BS in animation/ illustration. I have a decent portfolio that I'm willing to fork out to anyone I think can get it to the right people. I'm searching online for work using Monster, AWN and my school's Career center.

6 Questions

By HRoderick | Sunday, September 19, 2004 at 4:43am

Hello Everybody,

I've been developing an animated series for over a year now and finally feel it ready to pitch. I have a team of 5 animators in place, 4 writers, and an entire cast of voice actors. I have 6 questions that I need answered so if anybody can help me I would much appreciate it.

Am I on the right track?

By e17jo1 | Thursday, September 16, 2004 at 3:57pm

Guess what?... I've got a fever... and the only prescription... is more cowbell.

Am I on the right track for a career in animation?

1. I draw my ass off
2. Still in community college
3. I draw my ass off
4. Going to transfer to Cal State Fullerton for a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art in Entertainment Art/Animation
5, I draw my ass off

Pay scale in Indian Studios????

By sabusomu | Thursday, September 16, 2004 at 9:01am

Plz visit and citic my work at

and post ur comments at

Dear members of Awn Forum,
A warm regard to all the members of this forum. I am the newest member in this forum. Thanx for this nice platform.

I am new to the world of animation and just a student of animation from India. I am doing a diploma course on 2D and 3D animation from a newly established animation academy of a renowned animation company in India. I am pretty much confident abt my animation and timing though weak in drawing skills.

Animation Studios in San Diego

By Kerryb | Wednesday, September 15, 2004 at 6:36am

Hello everyone, I have a 4 year BFA in computer animation and I moved to Orlando, FL to find a job. After 1.5 years I gave up on animation to pursue graphic design (to pay my bills). Now 3 years later, I want to give it another shot. I've been working on some new pieces for my reel and I'm thinking of moving to San Diego, CA to find work. Does anyone know of any links to go to for a listing of animation studios in San Diego? What does the industry look like in San Diego (hiring, not hiring)?

Thanks in advance,

3D artist looking for work in Montréal area

By HoKagE | Wednesday, September 15, 2004 at 2:26am

-- seek power... --

hey everyone.

i'm a modeler/animator (modelling, rigging, skinning, character setup, animating, familiar with expressions and MEL ) on maya seeking for an evolutive position in the Montréal area. I would like to work on innovative projects in order to bring the best quality to the team work . You can see my work on my new website on :
