Scanline VFX Heads Off to War in ‘The Battle at Lake Changjin’
VFX studio tackles a series of long, digitally stitched-together riverbed battle sequences in the Korean War drama, China’s most expensive, and highest grossing movie ever.
VFX studio tackles a series of long, digitally stitched-together riverbed battle sequences in the Korean War drama, China’s most expensive, and highest grossing movie ever.
Leading VFX and animation studio delivers more than 700 visual effects shots, filled with CG environments and digital characters including sentinels and harvesters, the Cybebe, Kuhjaku, Lumin8, and Mnemosyne ship, in Lana Wachowski’s fourth ‘The Matrix’ franchise installment.
Studio delivers 443 shots, including 3rd act mayhem involving a high-octane motorcycle chase, an explosive helicopter encounter, and human torpedoes dropping from San Francisco high-rises, in the highly anticipated fourth ‘The Matrix’ franchise installment.
Audiences take a stunning visual tour of artwork across the ages, including Egyptian hieroglyphics, Aboriginal cave paintings, Middle Age tapestries, and Indonesian shadow puppets, in Oscar-winner Chloé Zhao and Marvel Studios’ superhero adventure.
Leading VFX studio creates the mythical Great Protector dragon, demonic Dweller-in-Darkness, and an army of little demons for Marvel Studios’ first film to feature an Asian super hero.
The VFX studio delivers over 400 shots, including each character’s elaborate CG suit formation effects, as well as Phastos’ holographic printing press used to create all manner of items.
The Oscar-winning VFX studio creates a hostile planet, battling robots, and a lost civilization for Netflix’s hit sci-fi series about the inter-galactic adventures of the Robinson family… that’s always in danger!
Leading visual effects studio delivered nearly 400 shots, adding CG elements to everything from icy lakes to forests and high-speed car chases, in MGM’s latest action-packed James Bond spy thriller.
Leading visual effects studio delivers 233 shots across 12 sequences, including the action-packed battle through Camden between the deviant Kro and Eternals Sersei and Sprite, turning a double decker bus into rose petals, and extensive cosmic FX work including suns, big bang explosions, and supernovas, on Marvel’s latest MCU adventure.
The VFX studio delivers 237 shots, including the adorable, faceless, and furry four-winged Dijiang sidekick, in Marvel Studios’ first Asian super hero film.
The leading VFX studio delivers 552 visual effects shots on Oscar-winning director Chloé Zhao’s MCU Phase 4 adventure, including the 3rd act beach fight scenes and planet-sized Celestial Tiamut.
Leading visual effects and animation house delivers over 750 shots across 20 sequences, including digidoubles, Carnage transformations, and the wraith Venom, on Andy Serkis and Sony Pictures Entertainment's serial killer symbiont sequel to its 2018 box office hit, ‘Venom.’
Leading visual effects house delivers 770 shots, including extensive full CG characters and environments, on Andy Serkis’ ‘Venom: Let There be Carnage,’ Columbia Pictures’ crazed symbiont sequel to its 2018 box office hit, ‘Venom.’
Giantstep creates 3D animated characters with photogrammetry, real-time rendering, and motion capture for group’s first mini album, which surpassed 100 million views in 17 days.
Studio delivers nearly 300 shots depicting the village of Ta Lo and its lush, expansive jungle environs that included mountains, ancient forests, lakes, and rice paddies, along with a huge amount of natural looking vegetation, on Marvel Studios' first film to feature an Asian super hero.
Montreal and London studios create iridescent weaponized gas that descends on James Bond as he’s caught in a beam of light surrounded by party goers in the hit MGM thriller.
Leading visual effects studio delivered 89 digital environments, 87 gameplay shots, and 347 VFX shots on Shawn Levy’s comedy adventure starring Ryan Reynolds as a bank teller who discovers he’s a background player in an open-world video game.
Leading VFX studio delivers almost 250 shots, including digital doubles, CG cars, and an unforgettable race to elude capture in Marvel Studios’ thrilling new MCU adventure.
Oscar-winning VFX studio puts on a masterclass in destruction as they build, and then demolish, the enormous airborne training fortress, with heroes and villains all dodging flaming wreckage as they plummet to earth, in the finale of Marvel Studios’ latest MCU thriller.
Visual effects supervisor Charlie Tait explains the studio’s death-defying Episode 1 aerial chase and mid-air fight sequences in Marvel Studios and Disney+’s action-packed six-episode MCU outing.
Overall VFX supervisor Jake Braver, with the help of ILM VFX supervisor Laurent Hugueniot, delivers 2,800 VFX shots depicting a world decimated by plague and a city ruled by supernatural evil, in the 9-part series from CBS Television Studios now streaming on Paramount+.
UK animation and VFX house provides previs, ‘scrying magic,’ a fire drake, and host of supernatural elements in Sky TV’s hit series.
German visual effects studio's new highlight reel showcases their work on funky ‘60s planet, menacing robots, and White Room prison cell from hit HBO horror fantasy series.
Axis Studios creates an entire historically accurate CG Elizabethan London, delivering 100 shots for 10 episodes over a span of 18 months.
VFX house One of Us worked through the COVID-19 pandemic to deliver 350 shots on Netflix’s wildly popular period romance drama set in an alternate Regency-era universe.