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iPi Motion Capture Gets Unreal Engine Real-Time Integration

New plug-in lets users stream tracking directly to Unreal Engine; users can see in real-time how motion will look in 3D setting.

iPi Soft announced enhancements to their markerless mocap technology, iPi Motion Capture, which now supports the Unreal Engine suite of development tools for real-time content creation. Changes include a new plug-in that allows for real-time motion tracking, motion transfer to 3D character, and animation streaming into Unreal Engine.

The new plug-in gives motion capture users the ability to stream tracking results to Unreal in both the live feedback and offline tracking mode, allowing them to see how motion will look on their character in Unreal Engine and in their 3D setting. Users can also have both iPi Mocap Studio and the Unreal Engine editors open simultaneously for viewing animation changes in real-time.

“We are excited about the creative possibilities the new plug-in will deliver to our customers already working with Unreal Engine,” commented iPi Soft’s CEO Pavel Sorokin. “Users can now preview captured motion in an actual game scene inside the Unreal Engine editor and integrate the animation stream from iPi Mocap Studio into Unreal Engine for a more seamless and immersive experience.”

iPi Mocap users working in Unreal Engine must export animation from iPi Studio to FBX or BVH files, then import assets to Unreal.

“The tighter integration into Unreal is a huge benefit that will provide iPi Mocap content creators increased flexibility to create game, virtual production and other projects quickly and with more accurate results without the need to create custom code,” added Sorokin.

US and Mexico-based New Discovery, a full-service digital agency, took part in the iPi Soft beta-testing program of the new iPi Mocap plugin and Unreal Engine integration. The company used it for a VR documentary entitled, Northern Route, Border Identity. Funded by the Secretary of Cultural Affairs of the State of Chihuahua, Mexico, the project takes an empathetic look at the refugee experience that has slowly become part of the border region's social-economic fabric.

“We were incredibly impressed with the fidelity of the iPi Mocap data,” noted New Discovery CEO and co-founder Jonalex Herrera. “Even with two Kinect Azure sensors, the results were amazing. Best of all, we were able to push animation streams directly into Unreal to realistically share details of the refugees’ journey in search of a better future.”

Additional information is available here.

Source: iPi Soft