Top honors went go ‘BusLine35A,’ directed by Elena Felici, winner of the Grand Prize, with special jury awards going to ‘Canary’ and ‘Code Rose;’ save the date for VIEW Conference 2023, October 15-20 – see you in Turino!
The International VIEW Conference, Italy’s premiere event for computer graphics, interactive and immersive storytelling, animation, visual effects, games, VR, AR, and mixed reality, celebrates the incredibly diverse, outstanding creative efforts of the world’s top visual artists, filmmakers, game developers, and pixel magicians.
The 2022 VIEW Awards have just been announced – the winners are as follows:
VIEW Award 2022 Grand Prize:
BusLine35A – directed by Elena Felici - The Animation Workshop
Jury Awards (Ex Aequo)
Canary, directed by Pierre-Hughes Dallaire and Benoit Teherriault - Rodeo FX
Code Rose, directed by Taye Cimon, Pierre Coëz, Julie Groux, Sandra Leydier, Manuarii Morel, and Romain Seisson - Ecole des Nouvelles Images
Special Achievement Awards (Ex Aequo)
Curiosa, directed by Tessa Moult-Milewska - National Film and Television School
Wet, directed by Marianne Bergeonneau, Lauriane Montpert, Mélina Mandon, Cloé Peyrebrune, and Elvira Taussac - Ecole des Nouvelles Images
VIEW Award Italianmix
Pentola, directed by Leo Černic - Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia Animazione
International VIEW Award 2022 Jury Members:
- Dylan Sisson, Renderman, Pixar Animation Studios
- Kim White, Director of Photography, Lighting, Pixar Animation Studios
- Alessandro Jacomini, Director of Cinematography, Lighting, Walt Disney Animation Studios
- Trent Claus, award-winning VFX supervisor, Lola Visual Effects
- Mark Mullery is a director and feature animation professional at Cartoon Saloon
- Simone Giampaolo, Animation Director
- Mila Useche, Animation Director, Character Designer, and Visual Development Artist
- Saint Walker, Dean/Director Industry Engagement Escape Studios
- Terry Flores, Senior Editor Variety
- President Barbara Robertson, Tech Journalist
- Chair, Professor Maria Elena Gutierrez, CEO VIEW Conference
- VIEW Conference Preselection Manager, Davide de Rosa
The VIEW Conference on-demand portal is now open. Watch over 100 sessions from the recent VIEW Conference 2022 edition at any time at your convenience over three months. On-Demand tickets are available here.
Save the date for VIEW Conference 2023, the 24th annual edition, which will take place in Torino, Italy (and online) from October 15-20, 2023.
Source: VIEW Conference