London, England - Psychomechanics for Animation Seminar at Escape Studios

Bringing Virtual Figures to Life and Creating Convincing Animated Characters for Film and Television.

A unique, interactive, intensive 2 day advanced character development workshop conducted as part of the Psychomechanics European Training Tour. This seminar dynamically introduces participants to the pre-production and production processes which, in derivative applications, have been utilized in the most internationally successful animated U.S. films of the past 5 years.

Participants should wear loose non-restrictive clothing and be prepared to engage in intellectually challenging and physically interactive exercises

Fee:Professionals: 170

Friday, June 27, 2003 - 11:00am to Saturday, June 28, 2003 - 7:00pm
Submission Deadline 
Friday, June 27, 2003 - 12:00pm