Friday Late Animate with Nexus Prods.

Nexus Prods., one of London's leading animation studios, will join V&A for Friday Late Animate, an evening celebrating the art of the moving image. Friday Late Animate is part of the V&A's ongoing 'Friday Late' programming which responds to the latest happenings in contemporary and street culture to produce fresh and engaging events in collaboration with creative partners from around the world.

Special guest speakers at Friday Late Animate will include Nexus Prods. directing duo, Smith & Foulkes, the most awarded commercials directors of all time, plus co-founders Chris O'Reilly and Charlotte Bavasso who will discuss a selection of their short films, title sequences, music videos and commercials as part of their 10th anniversary celebrations.

In addition to this, other internationally renowned Nexus directors will host a series of interactive events, performances and workshops celebrating the art of animation in some of the V&A's stunning galleries. These will include the screening of Japanese animations, a puppet workshop, homemade zoetropes and 3D demonstrations as well as a VJ and DJ playing throughout the evening. Visitors will get the chance to explore different animation techniques and to see the craft involved ranging from hand-drawn frames to the latest computer technology.

To coincide with Friday Late Animate, the V&A and Nexus Prods. have also staged an animation competition which is open to all students attending a degree or diploma course in moving image. The brief is to design the first six frames of a storyboard with entries displayed on the night.

For all further details, visit

Friday, March 30, 2007 - 11:00am to 7:00pm
Submission Deadline 
Friday, March 30, 2007 - 12:00pm