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F5 Festival

F5 is a new two-day creativity festival coming to New York City April 16 and 17. F5's eclectic lineup is built around "creative collisions" -- moments of lasting insight and inspiration that come from venturing outside your comfort zone and smashing into other ?elds.

That's why F5's speakers include people like MSNBC's Rachel Maddow; photographer/?lmmaker Charlie White; game developers Media Molecule; science journalist Jonah Lehrer and alternate reality gaming guru Elan Lee. Of course, F5 will also host Stash favorites like Psyop, Shilo, Prologue, Digital Domain, Tronic, Digital Kitchen, 1st Ave Machine, Simon Robson, Dvein and others.

In addition to a slew of inspirational speakers, F5 is also presenting the RE:PLAY ?lm festival -- a slate of original short-short ?lms created by some of the world's best talent. The RE:LAX bar at Roseland Ballroom will be in full effect, helping you lubricate yourself into the weekend. And Media Temple will cap everything off Friday evening with an epic after party.

For more details and to buy tickets for F5, visit the F5 website:

Thursday, April 16, 2009 - 11:00am to Friday, April 17, 2009 - 7:00pm
Submission Deadline 
Thursday, April 16, 2009 - 12:00pm
New York