Animation and the Contemporary Japanese Imagination

The University of Southern California's Provost's Distinguished Visitors Program is pleased to welcome Director Isao Takahata to Los Angeles.

This special two-day event features and explores animation and its relation to traditional and contemporary Japanese culture and society. We are particularly pleased to have the participation of celebrated director Isao Takahata, who has been invited to USC as a Provost's Distinguished Visitor. Mr. Takahata is one of the founding figures in Japanese animation, and is co-founder, together with Hayao Miyazaki, of the celebrated Studio Ghibli.

The program includes a screening of three of Takahata's films of Friday April 23, (Grave of Fireflies, Pom Poko, My Neighbors the Yamadas) and an academic symposium on "Animation and the Contemporary Japanese Imagination" on Saturday, April 24. Featured speakers include Mr. Takahata, Steve Alpert (Senior Vice President of Studio Ghibli), and Anne Allison (Chair of Duke University's Anthropology Department).

Events on both days are free and open to the public. Admission to the Friday screenings will be on a first come basis. For the Saturday events, we ask that you register using the online rsvp system. Space is limited. Please check our website at or email us for more information

Friday, April 23, 2004 - 11:00am to Saturday, April 24, 2004 - 7:00pm
Submission Deadline 
Friday, April 23, 2004 - 12:00pm
Los Angeles