Vicon Introduces Shōgun 1.2 at GDC 2018 with a Virtual Escape Room
Daily presentations with new Unreal Engine 4 content project and a multi-person virtual escape room take center stage at Vicon’s GDC booth.
Daily presentations with new Unreal Engine 4 content project and a multi-person virtual escape room take center stage at Vicon’s GDC booth.
Kevin Mayer, who oversaw the acquisitions of Pixar, Marvel, Lucasfilm and 20th Century Fox, will lead the new division.
Ireland’s first original animated VR film made its debut at the Audi Dublin International Film Festival’s Immersive Stories program.
Marvel Studios’ smash hit hangs on to title for the fourth weekend in a row and passes the $1 billion mark in worldwide ticket sales.
Company behind Unreal Engine plans large presence at the show spotlighting developers, licensees and education.
Virtual Arcade lineup includes 21 world premiere VR, AR experiences and five projects selected for Storyscapes competition.
Acclaimed actor, producer and director will executive produce and write the untitled series for Disney’s new direct-to-consumer platform.
Young creatives in film, animation, games, VR, motion graphics and 3D visualization offered evaluation by top professionals and exposure to the industry.
Company also brings aboard Alaina Zanotti in business development and promoted Stephanie Gilgar and Angela Lupo.
Primary vendor on the Marvel Studios hit created environments, digital doubles and most of the climactic battle.
Marvel Studios’ most-recent entry is the third-fastest film to reach the half-billion mark at the domestic box office.
Glen Keane’s ‘Dear Basketball,’ Pixar’s ‘Coco’ win animation Oscars; ‘Blade Runner 2049’ wins VFX and cinematography awards.
The overall VFX supervisor riffs on witness cameras, bleak L.A. cityscapes and the super-secret digital recreation of Rachael in Denis Villeneuve’s mesmerizing ‘Blade Runner’ sequel.
All five Oscars best visual effects nominees used software made by the company, whose employees also were honored by the Television Academy and at the Sci-Tech Awards.
Production VFX Supervisor Geoff Baumann assembled and managed the movie’s heavy-hitter vendor lineup to complete more than 2,000 visual effects shots for Marvel’s most recent hit.
Weta’s four-time Oscar-winning senior VFX supervisor talks about the complexities of creating believable digital ape performances in the final film in Fox’s ‘Apes’ trilogy reboot, director Matt Reeves’ futuristic action adventure ‘War for the Planet of the Apes.’
High-performance, mid-size display is built for creative and design applications including augmented and virtual reality.