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AWN Headline News

Headline News

Kansas City Disney building is marked for demolition

A building at 2449 Charlotte St. on Hospital Hill, former home of theKansas City Slide Co., where A. Vern Cauger hired Disney in 1920, wasbought last year by the University of Missouri-Kansas City, which plans todemolish the site to make way for a life-sciences facility and parking lot.Disney worked for more than two years at the Charlotte address, helpingproduce slides and one-minute films shown as advertisements in movietheaters. He worked alongside other Kansas City artists who, like him,

Sound Headline News

Emmy Awards are announced

The 26th annual Daytime Emmy Awards were announced on May 21st at NewYork's Madison Square Garden Theatre. ARTHUR won Outstanding Children'sAnimated Program; Rob Paulsen, the voice of "Pinky" on STEVEN SPIELBERGPRESENTS: PINKY AND THE BRAIN, won for Outstanding Performer in an AnimatedSeries; PINKY AND THE BRAIN won for Outstanding Special Class/AnimatedProgram; VOLTRON won for Outstanding Sound Editing; THE NEW BATMAN/SUPERMANADVENTURES won for Outstanding Sound Mixing - Special Class; STEVEN

Lucas Headline News

EPISODE II is in pre-production

Pre-production on STAR WARS EPISODE II (Lucas reportedly has a title inmind, but it has not been released) has already begun. Shooting is set tostart in June 2000 with locations at Fox Studios Australia, Tunisia, andItaly, and the release is scheduled for summer 2002. The story will focuson the romance and marriage between Anakin Skywalker (the future DarthVader) and Queen Amidala, and the Siths' attempt to gain control of thegalaxy. Whereas the budget for EPISODE 1 was $115 million, Lucas says he

Headline News

Cyclotron creates Letterman open

Cyclotron has completed a new open for CBS' "Late Show with DavidLetterman." It features a sweeping night view of the illuminated StatenIsland Ferry, the Manhattan skyline, and the newly renovated Grand CentralStation. It was shot on High-Def in preparation for future broadcasts ofthe show in HD. On-set supervision was conducted by Visual Effects ProducerRobert Buganza and Digital Composite Artist Tim Farrell during shoots ofthe Staten Island Ferry, the Manhattan Skyline and Grand Central Station to

Headline News

Colossal gives a Pool Party

San Francisco-based (COLOSSAL) PICTURES has created a hand-drawn 2D :30animated spot for Old Navy Tie-dye shirts that is done in a retro-style.George Evelyn directed "Pool Party," which features a pastiche of early1930s rubber-hose style animation, and is especially reminiscent of UbIwerks and color Van Beuren shorts. The spot opens with a black and whitescene of children and animals moping around a deflated backyard pool, andbegins to change to color when two kids arrive wearing Old Navy Tie-dye

Headline News

Felix the Cat is part of silent film auction

A collection that includes several Felix the Cat films, as well as more than 1,500 16mm and 35mm silent films and a vast archive of stills, large-format celebrity portraits, clippings and other memorabilia from Hollywood's Silent Movie Theater will be offered at auction by Butterfield & Butterfield in Los Angeles, California, USA May 23 and 24, 1999. For more information contact Butterfield & Butterfield, Los Angeles, Michael Schwartz, (323) 850-7500 ext. 295; or Levi Morgan, (323) 850-7500 ext. 216; or (415) 861-7500 ext. 348.

Million Headline News

PHANTOM MENACE sets boxoffice record

LucasFilm and 20th Century Foxs visual effects-driven STAR WARS EPISODE I: THE PHANTOM MENACE took in $61.8 million gross over the three-day weekend. Its five-day total of $102.7 million since its Wednesday debut broke the previous five-day record of $92.7 million set in 1997 by THE LOST WORLD: JURASSIC PARK, but its three-day weekend gross failed to challenge the $72.1 million record still held by THE LOST WORLD.

Film Headline News

Large Format film festival slated

*Wednesday, May 19th - Friday, May 21st. Los Angeles, California, USA.

Highlights of the 1999 Conference and Film Festival of the Large FormatCinema Association include a tribute to large format film pioneer LesterNovros, the Large Format Film Festival, Large Format animated films, paneldiscussions about theater operations and industry business, sessionsexploring production and post production technology, and a screening ofLAWRENCE OF ARABIA. For more information contact LFCA at (310) 823-4901.

Headline News

New, special 15th Anniversary issue of ANIMATO! now available!

This issue #40 is Animato!'s special 15th Anniversary issue with 144 boundpages. Featured articles include: Gerry Anderson, The McKimson Brothers,Cartoon Network, Warner Bros., Jay Ward Voices, Flip the Frog, Bartlett,Rose, Quakenbush, Fogel, Simensky, Tartakovsky, McCracken, Mulan, a hugeAnime section and more. There's just too much to list everything! Orderyour copy in AWN's Newsstand, where you can subscribe to your favoriteanimation publications directly from the Internet 24 hours a day! Already

Animation Headline News


NELVANA LIMITED, Canada's largest animation studio and internationalproducer of quality programming, has exciting opportunities in their 3-Ddivision. They are currently looking to fill the following positions:TECHNICAL DIRECTOR (5 positions) with experience using Maya, Wavefront orSoftimage and proficiency in Unix and Unix scripting; CG MODELER (3positions) with proficiency in Nurbs and polygonal modeling using Maya,Wavefront or Softimage with previous animation production experience.

Million Headline News

Record opening for PHANTOM

As expected, STAR WARS: EPISODE 1 - THE PHANTOM MENACE set a record forsingle day gross on Wednesday with $28.5 million, breaking the previousrecord of $26.1 million set by THE LOST WORLD: JURASSIC PARK in 1997 on theSunday during the three day Memorial Day weekend. The previous record for aWednesday opening was $17.4 million, set by INDEPENDENCE DAY in July 1996.Despite reaching a new record, the film failed to fulfill early predictionswhich were in the range of $30 to $40 million and were based on early

Award Headline News

The Annies call for entries

Each year, Annie Award trophies are awarded for the year's best featurefilm, video, television program, commercial, and animated interactiveproduction, as well as individual achievement by artists, writers and voicetalent. The most prestigious awards given at the annual award ceremoniesare the June Foray award, presented for special service to the artform, andthe Winsor McCay award for a lifetime of achievement in animation. The 27thAnnual Annie Awards ceremony will take place Saturday, November 6, 1999 at

Screen Headline News

See TRON on the big screen!

TRON, Disney's innovative computer-animated feature, is set to return to the big screen for a special one-week limited engagement (May 14-20) at the Disney-owned Pacific El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood, California, USA with a new 70mm print. A special panel discussion on May 14 and 15 will feature several filmmakers involved with the 1982 production including director Steven Lisberger, visual effects supervisors Harrison Ellenshaw and Richard Taylor, and computer-image choreographer Bill Kroyer (who went on to direct TECHNOLOGICAL THREAT and FERNGULLY: THE LAST RAINFOREST).

Disney Headline News

Disney owes Katzenberg

Retired Los Angeles County Superior Court judge Paul Breckenridge has ruledthat Jeffrey Katzenberg, the former head of Disney's film unit, did notforfeit a lucrative bonus when he left the company in 1994 and is entitledto interest on any money he is owed. Judge Paul Breckenridge issued hisdecision Wednesday and will next hear testimony to determine exactly howmuch money Disney should pay. Katzenberg, who left Disney in 1994 after hewas denied a promotion, is suing Disney for what he says is at least $250

Film Headline News

Elfriede Fischinger dies

Elfriede Fischinger died quietly in her sleep at her home on Thursday, May13, 1999. She was born September 17, 1910, in Gelnhausen near Frankfurt,Germany. She attended the prestigious College of Design in Offenbach, andin 1931 one of her abstract textile designs won a prize and was publishedin a magazine as well as exhibited in Berlin, where she met her futurehusband, animator and painter Oskar Fischinger. They were married in 1933and she worked on many of his subsequent films. In 1936 they emigrated to

Game Headline News

AIAS announces interactive achievement awards

On Friday, May 14, the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences (AIAS),created to advance and recognize outstanding achievement in the interactivearts, announced the recipients of its second annual Interactive AchievementAwards. The awards were presented at an event held May 13 at the VarietyArts Theater during the Electronic Entertainment Exposition in Los Angeles.ZELDA: OCARINA OF TIME (Nintendo of America/Nintendo Co. Ltd.) won sixawards including Interactive Title of the Year, Adventure Game of the Year,

Headline News

Dont' miss the EUROGRAPHICS Symposium on Visualization

The EUROGRAPHICS Symposium on Visualization takes place Wednesday, May 26 -Friday, May 28. Vienna, Austria. It will feature research papers about allareas of visualization that will present original scientific ideas orsignificant improvements to existing techniques, as well as case studies onthe successful application of visualization methods to special problems.Contact info: Eduard Groeller, VisSym '99 Institute of Computer Graphics,Vienna Univ. of Technology, Karlsplatz 13/186/2, A-1040 Wien, Austria.E-mail:

Headline News

SOVA graduating seniors to exhibit

*Tuesday, May 18th, 12 - 6 pm. New York, New York, USA.

Works by graduating seniors of the film, video, and animation departmentsof The School of Visual Arts will be shown at the Loews Cineplex WorldwideCinemas (50th Street and 8th Avenue). A reception and awards ceremonyfollows the screenings, beginning at 7 pm.

Home Headline News

Warner offers Tweety fans two videos

TWEETY: TWEET & LOVELY gives US fans of the lovable little canary and hisalways-hungry pursuer, Sylvester, 10 of their funniest Warner cartoons.Included are "Red Riding Hoodwinked," "Fowl Weather," "A Pizza Tweety Pie,""Tugboat Granny," "Rebel Without Claws", "Tweety's Circus", "Greedy forTweety", "Hawaiian Aye Aye", "Tweet and Lovely", and "Catty Cornered". 66min. Warner Home Video. US street date: June 22. $14.95. TWEETY: HOME TWEETHOME includes ten more cartoons featuring Tweety and Sylvester. "Birds
