Mixin Pixls animates spot for DiTech.com
Santa Monica, California-based Mixin Pixls completed the computer animationfor "Mouse," a spot for DiTech.com in which a computer comes to life andtells its owner about DiTech.com. Live-action was directed by Ken Robertsfor Laguna Beach, California-based Ken Roberts Productions.
Meet the voice of Piglet
To celebrate their move to a new location, as well as the opening of Pooh'sCorner, an exhibit of Walt Disney's Winnie the Pooh artwork, AnimazingGallery will hold a cocktail reception on Thursday, July 29 from 4-8 pm.John Fiedler, who has been the voice of Piglet since Disney's first Winniethe Pooh short, will be on hand, and an original production cel featuringPooh and Piglet will be signed by Fiedler and raffled off, as will otherDisney items. The gallery is located in New York City at 474 Broome Street
Ring of Fire completes visual effects for Ininiti spots
Hollywood-based Ring of Fire has completed the visual effects for two spotsfor the Nissan Infiniti Q45 SUV sedan. "Monoframe" shows the solid, steelchassis of the Infiniti Q45 SUV sedan falling toward the Mojave Desert,then transforming into a shining Infiniti Q45 when it hits the ground."Flower" uses time-lapse photography to show a flower blooming in the glowof the head lamps of a new Infiniti Q45. Live-action was directed by NicoBeyer for New York-based Compass Films, and TBWA Chiat/Day was the agency.
Rockefeller Foundation awards John Canemaker
Animation filmmaker, teacher, and author John Canemaker has been awarded aRockefeller Foundation residency grant in Bellagio, Italy. From July 27through August 25, he will stay at the 16th century Villa Serbelloni onLake Como, where he will work on a storyboard for a personal animated film.From August 31 through September 5, he will be a guest of FANTOCHE, theSwiss Animation Festival in Baden, where he will present twolecture/screenings on Animated Surrealism and Jazztoons: Jazz and Animation.
U.S. Miyazaki fans look forward to new books
Taking advantage of the buzz around the upcoming release of the Englishversion of PRINCESS MONONOKE directed by Hayao Miyazaki, which is due to bereleased on October 29, 1999, Stone Bridge Press and Miramax Press are bothreleasing tie-in books. Stone Bridge Press is publishing HAYAO MIYAZAKI:MASTER OF JAPANESE ANIMATION by Helen McCarthy. The book mixes film-by-filmsummaries with insider interviews and discussions of art, plot, productionqualities, and themes. It is a 216 page, 7x9" paperback with more than 70
Activision acquires Elsinore Multimedia
Activision, Inc. has acquired Elsinore Multimedia, a software developmentcompany that designed the Cabela's Big Game Hunter series for Activision'sHead Games Publishing unit. As a result of the acquisition, which wascompleted on June 29, 1999, Elsinore has become a wholly owned subsidiaryof Activision. Based in Hollywood, Florida, Elsinore Multimedia is asoftware development company that produces products for the Windowsplatform. In addition to the Cabela's Big Game Hunter titles, the company
Acclaim announces third quarter results
Glen Cove, New York-based Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. has announced resultsfor its fiscal 1999 third quarter ended May 31, 1999. The Company reportedthird quarter net revenues of $80.0 million, an increase of 9% comparedwith $73.2 million in the third quarter of the prior year. During thequarter, Acclaim shipped All Star Baseball 2000 for the Nintendo 64 andGame Boy Color, Bust-A-Move '99 for Nintendo 64 and PlayStation,Bust-A-Move 4 and WWF Attitude for Game Boy Color, and Machines and South
Cartoon Network promotes Gary Albright
Cartoon Network has promoted Gary Albright to senior vice president oftrade creative services. Albright will oversee the graphic design of salesmaterials, licensed promotions, network print collateral, and eventenvironments. He will also supervise the development of both theinternational and domestic style guides for Cartoon Network properties usedby both individual licensees and Warner Bros. Consumer Products. Albrighthas been art director at Hanna-Barbera's Orbit City Art Company, design
ImagineAsia hires John Rocco and Eric Alba
ImagineAsia has hired John Rocco as Director of Animation and Eric Alba asHead of Production. Rocco will oversee direction of all studio animation,including the upcoming 3D animated series THE QUEST: TALES FROM THERAMAYANA. His most recent work includes art direction for DreamWork'sSHREK, Creative Director for the virtual theme park ride DisneyQuest forWalt Disney Imagineering, and Creative Director at Digital Domain. Albawill supervise and coordinate studio production for feature films,
DNA hires Badagliacca and Greenstein
Los Angeles-based DNA Studio has named David Badagliacca as its Head ofSales, Marketing & New Business Development, and Jane Greenstein, as afull-time producer. Previously, Badagliacca supervised the launch ofMaverick Records' Clio Award-winning Web site while at the label. He alsooversaw efforts for other popular, unconventional sites, including a newsite for recording artist Alanis Morissette and a music video madeexclusively for the Web. Jane Greenstein will produce original content for
BKN (Bohbot Kids Network) Bulldog Network, a programming block which debutsin the US on August 29, 1999, has acquired the programming and licensingrights for many worldwide territories for MONSTER RANCHER. The show willdebut as a lead entry on BKN as a daily Monday - Friday half-hour series.MONSTER RANCHER was originally developed in Japan as a Sony PlayStationvideo game by Tecmo, and the series is currently in production at TMS,Japan's largest animation house. The series is about an 11 year old boy who
ASIFA-Hollywood is looking for an Office Coordinator
The Art Institutes International at San Francisco is hiring an Academic Director
The Art Institutes International at San Francisco, a post-secondary, degree granting educational institution, is seeking a qualified candidate to serve as ACADEMIC DIRECTOR...
Don't miss Softimage's TOONZ Showcase at SIGGRAPH '99
SOFTIMAGE will be showcasing the latest release of Toonz, the leading 2D cel animation solution at SIGGRAPH '99 in Los Angeles. Toonz version 4.3 features a more interactive exposure sheet, larger palettes, "3D" textures, and new special FX. SOFTIMAGE will also be introducing for the first time the Toonz Linetester. Also shown, will be the Toonz plug-in for SOFTIMAGE®|3D which will minimize your tracking nightmares when combining all those external materials.
Last chance to participate in AWN's SIGGRAPH '99 Coverage
The deadlines for participation in Animation World Magazine's "SIGGRAPH 99 Special Report", part of our August "Computer and Internet Animation" issue, are fast approaching:
* Advertising space reservation: July 21st
* Press Releases and other News Items receipt: July 23rd
* Advertising Materials receipt: July 26th
New ASIFA Italy news!
The ASIFA Italy web site has been updated. Read the most recent issue of the ASIFA Italy Newsletter, NOTIZIE ASIFA ITALIA, featuring: "Japanimation At The Annecy Festival;" "Luigi Liberio Pensuti, Italian Animation Pioneer;" an interview with Terry Brian by Italian model-maker Francesca Ferrario;" Bendazzi on European animation in the book "The World History Of Cinema; plus, a list of upcoming Italian events. Available in Italian only.
10 new events added to AWN's Calendar of Events
This week's updates to the Calendar of Events includes ten new animation-related events, including: The BAFTA Interactive Entertainment Awards in London, the Ourense Independent Film Festival in Spain, and Cinequest San Jose Film Festival 2000 in California.
Bill Plympton has updated his special appearance schedule!
Once again, Bill Plympton has updated his appearances page. This month, "I Married a Strange Person" will be appearing in various festivals and other events in Canada, Germany, Finland and Ukraine. "Mondo Plympton" will be screened in the US, Brazil and Germany. Bill will also be attending the events in Canada, Brazil and Germany.
AWN launches new Animation Trivia Quiz!
Plympton's Comic of the Week: "Drug Dealer...or Contortionist?"
Mondo Media looking for a Director of Creative Operations
Educational Institution for Children needs an animator
CARTOON announces the 1999 Cartoon d'Or nominees
CARTOON has announced this year's nominees for the coveted Cartoon d'Or.Making the list for best European animated short films are: L'ARME DUCROCODILE by Eric Blesin (Belgium), EL CARMINANTE by Debra Smith (UK),JOLLY ROGER by Mark Baker (UK), MIGRATION by Constantin Chamski (France),LE CYCLOPE DE LA MER by Philippe Julien (France), and SALTKVERNEN by PjotrSapegin (Norway). The annual Cartoon Forum, where the Cartoon d'Or isawarded, is organized by AEFA Cartoon, the European Association for
Touchstone TV merges with ABC
Walt Disney-owned companies Touchstone Television Productions and ABCTelevision Group are merging to form ABC Entertainment Television Group.According to ABC Television Group president Pat Fili-Krushel, "The goal inconsolidation is to produce creative results that result in more Disneyproduct on ABC and also allow us to achieve economies of scale." In otherwords, this consolidation will likely result in more Disney-producedtelevision programming appearing on ABC (Touchstone currently has only two
Mercury Filmworks adds 3D
One year old Vancouver-based Mercury Filmworks, a fully equipped digitalanimation facility, has added 3D production to its list of in-houseservices. Currently, the 3D animation department at Mercury is working onthe television series D'MYNA LEAGUES, which has been created and developedby Vancouver-based animation house Studio B, and is slated to air onCanada's CTV/VTV in January 2000. With the addition of the new 3Ddepartment, Mercury is now unique in its ability to take not just a single