Tagged With: Virtual Production Studios

People Headline News

AGBO’s Visual Creatures Taps Digital Domain Alum to Lead Virtual Production Studio

Scott Meadows has been named Senior Visualization Supervisor, responsible for the studio’s new motion-capture enabled sound stage and real-time pipelines.

Business Headline News

Stray Vista Studios Debuts the Largest Virtual Production Studio in Texas

The 40x80x16 foot LED Virtual Production Volume wall displays interactive, computer-generated perspectives and includes an LED ceiling for fully immersed lighting.

That’s Really Big! Headline News

Pixomondo’s LED Stage is Biggest Ever, Says Guinness World Records

PXO and William F. White International’s Vancouver virtual production stage, at 22,000 square foot - 80 ft x 27 ft 6 in, lined with 2,500 LED wall panels and 760 LED ceiling panels – has been confirmed as the largest such facility in the world.

Technology Headline News

Pixomondo Creates ‘McDonald’s Friends’ Via Virtual Production

LED Volume technology moves from otherworldly to Main Street with real-time CG digital environments that eliminate production cost overages common in on site shoots.

Business Headline News

Pixomondo Taps Alex Webster to Head New London Virtual Production Division

The award-winning studio announces UK operations will launch this month; former Framestore managing director will be joined in London by CEO Jonny Slow to directly support company’s VP services expansion in Europe.

virtual production Headline News

Check Out Pixomondo’s ‘What is Virtual Production’ Tutorial

By Dan Sarto | Friday, February 5, 2021 at 2:41pm

With their new Toronto virtual production stage up and running, the studio has released a quick and entertaining guide to illustrate some virtual production basics.

virtual production Headline News

Pixomondo Building World’s Largest Virtual Production Studio in Toronto

The award-winning VFX company has teamed with tech partners Unreal Engine, LED manufacturer ROE Visual, and Nvidia on new facility, scheduled to be completed late 2020.