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Tagged With: TV industry

Books Headline News

‘Mork & Mindy’ Producer Brian Levant’s ‘My Life and Toys’ Now Available

A consummate collection of memorabilia photographed by Joe Pellegrini appears alongside the musings of the TV/Film industry veteran, who reflects on pop culture’s influence in the U.S. dating back to World War II; readers get a chance, and an excuse, to reminisce while taking a walk down memory lane. 

Mentoring Women in Animation Headline News

WIA Vancouver Announces Career EXCELelerator Candidates

Sponsored by Netflix Canada, the ACE program creates opportunities for new and diverse voices to tell their stories; participants will receive mentoring, training, and support in developing original IP.

Mentoring Women in Animation Headline News

WIA Vancouver Announces Animation Career EXCELelerator Shortlist

Sponsored by Netflix Canada, the ACE program supports animation professionals who identify as women and non-binary; 32 applicants were selected to participate in Phase 1, which includes workshops, pitch training and mentoring.

Mentoring Women in Animation Headline News

Netflix and WIA Vancouver Expand Animation Career EXCELerator Program

Women in Animation Vancouver’s ACE program mentors, supports, and trains women to help develop and create their own original IP; applications for 2022-2024 program open at the Spark Animation Festival 2021.

Women in Animation Headline News

USC Annenberg Releases Groundbreaking Animation Industry Gender Study

By Dan Sarto | Monday, June 10, 2019 at 6:26am

‘Inclusion Initiative’ study results, presented at 3rd Annual Women in Animation World Summit in Annecy, reveal some positive industry gains, but mostly areas of startling gender inequality and bias.