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AWN Headline News

Version Headline News

ADV releases several new Anime titles

In a far distant future, awould-be master race seeks to dominate the galaxy. Against these mercilessAfressians, mankind has just one hope: the mysterious female warrior knownas Emeraldas. This is the story behind the Houston, Texas-based ADV FilmsNovember 23, 1999 release of QUEEN EMERALDAS on DVD. The US$29.98 QUEENEMERALDAS DVD will be in English and Japanese with English subtitles. Alsofrom ADV the following VHS tapes will all be released on January 25, 2000:The war against Genom escalates as the Knight Sabers find themselves forced

Headline News


Disney Interactive, ESPN andKonami have announced that they will produce a full line-up of ESPN sportstitles for video game consoles and personal computers. The multi-platformsports brand will combine the full power of ESPN, a leading provider ofsports programming, ESPN Magazine and, with Konami's expertise intechnology and game development. Approximately 10 titles are expected tolaunch in 2000. The first titles, MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL and NBA BASKETBALL,both for Sega Dreamcast, and MAJOR LEAGUE SOCCER on Sony PlayStation, will

Headline News

Disney's TARZAN leaps to NINTENDO

Emerging from the jungles in January 2000, Activision, Inc., in collaboration with Disney Interactive, Inc.,will release Disney's TARZAN for Nintendo 64. This release will coincidewith the video release of the Disney summer blockbuster. Players will beable to surf the trees and swing from vines either as Tarzan, Jane, Terk orTantor. As you progress through 13-levels of game play, you can help save afamily of apes from the evil clutches of Sabor the leopard or Clayton thehunter.

Festival Headline News

MOONDANCE announces finalists

The Moondance International Film Festival has announced the finalists for its first competition, Moondance2000. The festival takes place in Boulder, Colorado, January 14-16, 2000 aspart of the Sundance Film Festival. Entries from female screenwriters andfilm-makers from any country were welcomed to the competition. For moreinformation e-mail: sends e-mail); or write: Moondance InternationalFilm Festival, 970 Ninth Street, Boulder, CO 80302, USA.

The following films are finalists in the animation film category:

Film Headline News


The International Cartoons &Animation Center's SALAM AND THE GOLDEN QUEEN has won the Hollywood FilmAdvisory Board's "Award of Excellence" and the Dove Foundation's "Dove Sealof Approval." In the film, Salam and the Knights of Virtue are shrunk tothe size of bees. Through their adventures in a beehive, they must learnthe value of cooperation and communication in order to return to the humanworld. The film is produced in six languages including English, French,Arabic, Turkish, Malay, and Urdu. Directed by Ammed Jamal Abdelhafiz, the

Headline News


Playmates Toys has acquired the licenseto create action figures based on the animated series THE SIMPSONS. Therewill be eight initial figures, including Homer, Bart, Lisa, Grandpa,Krusty, Mr. Burns, Moe, and Barney, which will all be part of the World OfSpringfield Intelli-Tronic line. Each figure will feature the voice of thecast member who plays the character on the show. There are also plans forthree dioramas, including The Simpsons' living room, Homer's work station

Animation Headline News

Sheridan College upgrades to VIDEO LUNCHBOX

Ontario, Canada-based Sheridan College, one of the leading animation programs in North America, is expanding its facilities with the latest animation equipment including new computers, software, cameras and pencil test systems. For pencil tests, Sheridan has purchased six Video LunchBoxes. Created two years ago by Oregon-based Animation Toolworks, the Video LunchBox captures still images from a video camera and plays back this sequence of images at the same rate as film images or television video.

Headline News

IMAGINA and FIFI want your net animation

Imagina 2000 with FIFI (Festival International du Film de l'Internet) have opened their competition for animation created specifically for the Internet. The FIFI is the first festival dedicated to films made for the Web. As the major European meeting point for digital image professionals, Imagina 2000 will provide a solid forum for launching this joint competition. The deadline for submissions is December 15, 1999 and all entries must be accessible through a URL only. The award will be presented during the Imagina 2000 ceremony in Monaco (January 31 to February 2, 2000).

Film Headline News

A Closer Look: A Year of Celebration for the National Film Board of Canada

Wendy Tilby and Amanda Forbis' short film, "When The Day Breaks" won theGrand Prize (Goldene Taube) at the 42nd International Leipzig Festival forDocumentary & Animated Films (Germany). This recent award is just anotheraccolade in "When The Day Breaks'" dazzling international career, whichstarted with the Palme d'Or for best short film at the 52nd CannesInternational Film Festival in Cannes, France, last June. "When The DayBreaks" also won the coveted Grand Prix for best animated short film at

Headline News

WHEN THE DAY BREAKS wins at Leipzig

The 42nd International LeipzigFestival for Documentary & Animated Films took place in Leipzig, Germanyfrom October 26 - October 31, 1999. 49 films from 13 counties were shown incompetition this year. The jury was comprised of Jayne Pilling (GreatBritain), Silke Parzich (Germany), and Andrei Zolotouchin (Russia). Thefollowing awards were presented:

Goldene Taube, WHEN THE DAYS BREAKS by Wendy Tilby and Amanda Frobis,Canada, 1999.

Silberne Taube, PINOCCHIO by Gianluci Toccafondo, Italy, 1999 and NIGHT OF

Animation Headline News

Sheridan College upgrades to Video Lunchbox

Ontario, Canada-based Sheridan College, one of the leading animationprograms in North America, is expanding its facilities with the latestanimation equipment including new computers, software, cameras and penciltest systems. For pencil tests, Sheridan has purchased six VideoLunchBoxes. Created two years ago by Oregon-based Animation Toolworks, theVideo LunchBox captures still images from a video camera and plays backthis sequence of images at the same rate as film images or television

Animation Headline News

The Animation Show of Shows is coming to town!

A program of the best in new animation, curated and presented by RonDiamond of Animation World Network and Acme Filmworks, Inc., will betouring Los Angeles and the Bay area next week. In addition topresentations at the major studios, various FREE PUBLIC SCREENINGS arescheduled: San-Francisco on Sunday, November 21 at 11 am at the Red VicMovie House, 1727 Haight St., hosted by ASIFA-San Francisco; and inCupertino at De Anza College, and Los Angeles on Saturday, November 20,

Animation Headline News

Just-released Animation Blast #4 features original John K. cover!

Issue 4 of the printed Animation Blast is now shipping. This 32-pagespectacular features an original cover by Ren & Stimpy creator JohnKricfalusi, along with an in-depth story about John K.'s Yogi Bear shortsthat aired on Cartoon Network. Additionally, there's an informativeinterview with the legendary Gene Hazelton, who designed Bob Clampett's"Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarfs;" unpublished Bill Scott gag drawings; andan article by historian Jerry Beck about the recently restored "lost"

Events Headline News

New additions to AWN's Calendar of Events!

This week's update to the Calendar of Events includes a call for entriesfor the first International Internet Festival, organized in conjunctionwith Imagina (France), and the Santa Clarita Film Festival (California,USA). The Calendar of Upcoming Events is a constantly changing referencesource for what's happening around the World of Animation. Use it to stayabreast of animation related activities across the globe. If you know ofanimation related events that we don't have listed, send an email with the

Disney Headline News

The Art of Disney Storybooks exhibit begins

* "The Art of Disney Storybooks" Exhibit, New York, New York, USA. November13 - December 23, 1999.

The Gifted Images Gallery, located in Rockville Centre, will host the exhibit. "The Art of Disney Storybooks," is a collaboration between Walt Disney Art Classics and Disney Publishing. The exhibit features reproducedartwork from various storybook adaptations of Disney's most beloved films.Included in the exhibition is "An enchanting dress," from CINDERELLA and"Magic mirror on the wall" from SNOW WHITE. Appearing at the premiere event

Million Headline News

POKEMON pic poses a phenomenal opening

Will the power of Pokemon everstop? On November 10, 1999, POKEMON: THE FIRST MOVIE set the record for thebiggest Wednesday opening of all time for an animated film. The Pikachuvehicle was purchased by Warner Brothers for $5 million and grossed doublethat on its first day in release. It is estimated that the 5-day non-summerrecord of $45.7 million set by A BUG'S LIFE might be squished by the hordesof Pokemons. Besides the legions of kids sprinting to the theatres, fans ofthe toon will want to catch the soundtrack, which features such

Headline News

CLICK 3X adds Sophia Pavlatos and Ann Husani

CLICK 3X picks designer, SOPHIA PAVLATOS, and editor, ANN HUSANI, to add to their New York staff. Pavlatos returns to Click 3Xfrom which she left in 1997. Since then she worked as a compositor anddesigner for Tapehouse Digital/Black Logic and free lanced using Flame andAfter Effects. Husani moves from the Atlanta branch of Click 3X, for whichshe has worked since October 1996, to the New York office.

Design Headline News

Peter Burega joins THE FIRM DESIGN GROUP

THE FIRM DESIGN GROUP, a creative concept studio specializing in broadcast design and image campaigns, has hired creative director/director PETER BUREGA. Burega will head up the West Coast studio in Venice, California, USA and direct commercials for The Film Design Group's parent company, Fourth of July Productions. Burgega's recent credits include indentity spots for the USA Network and commercials for House of Blues International and Caesars Palace in Las Vegas.

Digital Headline News

French digital creation event focuses on jobs and technology

By Rick DeMott | Thursday, November 11, 1999 at 12:00am

* Wednesday, November 24- Saturday, November 27, 1999. Valenciennes, France.

European Gathering of Young Digital Creation highlights the technologies of the future and purposes a realistic look at the jobs of tomorrow. The four day gathering will feature conferences, round table discussions, and screenings of the best digital work and three-dimensional films. The event is sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Valenciennes in association with Supinfocom.
