In a far distant future, awould-be master race seeks to dominate the galaxy. Against these mercilessAfressians, mankind has just one hope: the mysterious female warrior knownas Emeraldas. This is the story behind the Houston, Texas-based ADV FilmsNovember 23, 1999 release of QUEEN EMERALDAS on DVD. The US$29.98 QUEENEMERALDAS DVD will be in English and Japanese with English subtitles. Alsofrom ADV the following VHS tapes will all be released on January 25, 2000:The war against Genom escalates as the Knight Sabers find themselves forcedto deal with newer and deadlier forms of boomers in the BUBBLEGUM CRISISVOLUME 3 - METAL STORM, released in an English dubbed version for US$24.95,and a Japanese version with English subtitles for US$29.95. When amysterious stranger shows up needing protection, City Hunter's partnerleaps at the million-dollar offer in CITY HUNTER: MILLION DOLLARCONSPIRACY, released in an English dubbed version for US$19.98, and aJapanese version with English subtitles for US$29.95. Peace negotiations ina long running civil war are threatened when five super soldiers decimate arebel encampment in the ORIGINAL DIRTY PAIR VOLUME 5, released in anEnglish dubbed version for US$19.98 and a Japanese version with Englishsubtitles for US$29.95. When Celcia loses all their money, 'Those Who HuntElves' are forced to become 'Those Who Hunt Jobs' in THOSE WHO HUNT ELVESCHAPTER 5: DISTRESSED MAIDENS, released in an English dubbed US$24.95 and aJapanese version with English subtitles for US$29.95. For more informationvisit