Will the power of Pokemon everstop? On November 10, 1999, POKEMON: THE FIRST MOVIE set the record for thebiggest Wednesday opening of all time for an animated film. The Pikachuvehicle was purchased by Warner Brothers for $5 million and grossed doublethat on its first day in release. It is estimated that the 5-day non-summerrecord of $45.7 million set by A BUG'S LIFE might be squished by the hordesof Pokemons. Besides the legions of kids sprinting to the theatres, fans ofthe toon will want to catch the soundtrack, which features suchkid-friendly singers as Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, and 'N Sync.However once the odes to Pikachu pass, we'll see how the little film faresagainst toon titan, TOY STORY II, and STUART LITTLE, both of which openlater this year.