Popular syndicated cartoonist Rich Moyer and Celluloid Studios has exploded onto the Web with a new entertainment site called Bunny Grenade. Celluloid Studios executive producer Olivier Katz will oversee the new Net company as executive producer. Rich Moyer is known for his one panel comic strip ICK, which he has now left to focus on Bunny Grenade. Moyer said the main reason for coming to the Web is the chance to "connect with the audience and get them more involved. The audience isnt getting up to get a glass of milk." In an interview with AWN, Moyer said, "Interactivity is the place where TV and Internet collide. People want more involvement." Recently, Moyer has optioned projects to DreamWorks and Saban/Fox Family and is currently developing a primetime animated series SPACE KAT with Celluloid Studios. Moyer plans to test ideas for SPACE KAT in Webisodes that may be shopped out to other sites or find a home at Bunny Grenade. "For Celluloid Studios, the development of a Web portal is a natural extension of our creative studio model," said Katz. "And with Web portals like bunnygrenade.com, more people will be exposed to different styles of animation and the work of emerging talent."