Category: Mobile and Wireless

Android Blogs

Which OS Should You Target?

By Dan Sarto | Wednesday, August 22, 2012 at 7:17am

Wireless history is filled with plenty of examples, good and bad, including the webOS flash in the pan. Fast-changing fates make it challenging for developers to decide which OS to support. The research firm iGR has been tracking the mobile market for a dozen years, and I recently spoke with its vice president of wireless and mobile communications research about what developers need to consider.

Games Headline News

'Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom' App Released

P2 Games announced the launch of the first official "Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom" app titled "Big Star Fun," which is now available on the App Store for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch.


Is Windows Phone Worth It?

By Dan Sarto | Monday, August 6, 2012 at 5:24pm

FourBros Studio created a buzz about its success with Windows Phone 7, telling about ad impressions and real dollars generated. I recently spoke with Nathan Furtwangler, FourBros Studio member and developer, about what other developers can learn from their team and how their strategies might be applied to Windows Phone 8.


Tune It Up: Developing Music Apps

By Dan Sarto | Wednesday, August 1, 2012 at 5:16pm

Mobile apps for tuning a variety of musical instruments are readily available, but a recently demonstrated iPad app expands the musician-helper category beyond those basic tools. The software, dubbed Celeste, helps configure pipe organs and was among the featured apps at the University of Utah’s Mobile Application Demo Day.

Headline News

Disney Animator Dan Lund Launches 'Knock Knock' iOS App

From the mind and creative heart of Disney animator and ANNIE award winner Dan Lund, the knock knock joke comes to the small screen with “Knock Knock And The Who's There Doors” app for iPhone and iPad.

Games Headline News

'Peppa Pig's Sports Day' Hits Top Spot

As London hosts the 2012 Olympics, P2 Games' latest app, Peppa Pig's Sports Day, allows Peppa fans to join the sporting fun by competing in their very own Sports Day event this summer.
