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Roma Creative Contest 2012 - shortfilm festival

Roma Creative Contest - Short Film Festival  wants to enhance young emerging directors and new technologies.

The participation fee is free: To register you must visit the website and send the form along with the requested material by July 15, 2012.

logo_rcc.jpgThe first edition involved over two thousand spectators at the Victoria Theatre in Testaccio, recording a significant feedback from the media. The jury of cinema professionals was chaired byPupi Avati.

With its second edition 2012 the Festival wants to step forward and open the doors to the rest of the world, with a new international section, devoted to animated shorts.

The festival will be hosted by the Victoria Theatre (Piazza Santa Maria Liberatrice, 10- Rome) for four consecutive Sundays: 16-23-30 September and October 7, the closing night.

The competition is divided into three sections:Images hunters, the main section, which accepts only fiction shorts, Animation, the international section; Mockumentaries, "fake documentary" feeding the doubt in the viewer that what he's seeing is real.

Sunday, September 16, 2012 - 8:00pm to Sunday, October 7, 2012 - 12:00am