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Rare Seuss On Film

New York International Children's Film Festival is hosting a program of six short animated Dr. Seuss films includes two forgotten gems by stop motion pioneer George Pal, AND TO THINK THAT I SAW IT ON MULBERRY STREET and THE 500 HATS OF BARTHOLOMEW CUBBINS; the Academy Award winning GERALD MCBOING BOING, about a little boy who speaks through sound effects instead of spoken words; HORTON HATCHES THE EGG by Merrie Melodies team Bob Clampett (director), Carl Stalling (music), and Mel Blanc (voices); and the two well-loved Chuck Jones classics HORTON HEARS A WHO and HOW THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS (with narration by Boris Karloff). Special thanks to the Ted Geisel estate, UCLA film archives, Warner, Paramount, and Sony.

The screenings begin at 11:00 am at the IFC Center, 323 Sixth Ave. (at West Third). For more information, visit or call (212) 349-0330.

Saturday, October 7, 2006 - 11:00am to Sunday, October 8, 2006 - 7:00pm
Submission Deadline 
Saturday, October 7, 2006 - 12:00pm
New York