The Producer's Guild of America will be holding a special seminar featuring top Animation producers from Film, TV and New Media. There will be special giveaways from Disney, Fox and Universal!
Topics covered include: What makes a good Animation producer? Can 2D survive alongside 3D? Producer's credits/credit protection issues. New Media; what affect has this had on the animation industry? What skills should emerging Animation producers definitely have under their belt, if they want to succeed?
Moderated by Catherine Winder, ("Producing Animation"), the panelists include: Don Hahn (Beauty & The Beast), Lori Forte (Ice Age), John Walker (Iron Giant), Richard Raynis (Simpsons), Stephen Fosatti (Chuck Jones, Co.), Obie Scott Wade (Disney), Joel Kuwahara (Icebox/WB), Charles Grosvenor (Land Before Time).
Date: Sat., August 17, 2002, 9:30am-1pm at Disney's Southside Theatre (the Hat Bldg.). Cost is $75 to non-PGA members. RSVP (required) by August 15th to: (310) 358-9020, x2027.