The aim of the 3rd annual North American Game-On Conference (GameOn'NA 2007) is to bring together academics, researchers and games people from North America and the rest of the world in order to exchange ideas on higher-level concepts that contribute to the field of computer gaming research.
The conference will cover three core tracks: - Games Development Methodology - Artificial Intelligence - Simulation in Computer Games
And peripheral tracks: - Learning and Adaptation - Intelligent/Knowledgeable Agents - Collaboration & Multi-agent Systems - Opponent Modelling - Physics and Simulation/Graphical Simulation - 3D Scalability - Facial, Avatar, NPC, 3D in Game Animation - AI and Simulation Tools for games design - Game Design - Rendering Techniques - Voice Interaction - Artistic input to game and character design - Storytelling and Natural Language Processing - Online Gaming - Security Issues in Online Gaming - MMOG's - Serious gaming - Wargaming Aerospace Simulations, Board Games etc.... - Games for training. - Games Applications in education, Government, health, Corporate, First Responders and Science
- Games Consoles - Games Console Design - Mobile Gaming - Perceptual User Interfaces for Games