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Animest International Animation Film Festival 2024

The 19th edition of Animest, the only Oscar qualifying event in Romania, will take place October 4-13.

Animest19, the International Animation Film Festival is the only festival in Romania dedicated to animated film. Founded in 2006, participants worldwide compete in six competitive categories both for short and feature films. Every year the festival welcomes to Bucharest international filmmakers, producers, festival programmers and journalists. Workshops, masterclasses, special events, concerts, and parties are open to the festival guests and audience.

The festival’s mission to reinvigorate and support the Romanian animation film has had an impact on the awards and participation of local animation filmmakers in international film festivals and events.

This year, 44 animated shorts are competing for the Animest Trophy at the Oscar-qualifying festival with the recipient eligible for consideration in the Animated Short Film category of the Academy Awards. Animest will feature four national premieres of five original productions as part of the International Feature Film Competition, while eight films will take part in a dedicated VR competition. The festival will also celebrate the world of Italian animated film, this year’s guest country.

The 19th edition of the Animest International Film Festival runs October 4-13, 2024, in Bucharest. Additional information is available here.

Friday, October 4, 2024 - 9:00am to Sunday, October 13, 2024 - 8:00pm
Drumul Taberei, nr. 92
Bl. C7, Ap. 235, Sector 6,