2007 Comic Book Challenge

By Guest (not verified) | Thursday, July 26, 2007 at 11:00am
In Event Types: Contests

Platinum Studios hosts the 2007 Comic Book Challenge (www.ComicBookChallenge.com), a yearly contest for aspiring comic book writers and artists worldwide.

Comic book creators are encouraged to submit their entries online. The top 50 entrants will be invited to pitch their concepts live to a celebrity panel of industry and Hollywood insiders at a secret location near this year's International San Diego Comic-Con, the industry's premier comic book convention, in July. Platinum Studios will sign the winner for a publishing deal, which will include print, online, mobile and creation of a licensing and merchandising program. In addition, the company will help develop the property for film and television.

The top 50 entrants will pitch their ideas live in San Diego on July 26, and the judges will announce the top 10 semi-finalists on July 28. The public will then be able to vote for their favorite concept online at www.ComicBookChallenge.com or www.drunkduck.com/comicbookchallenge.

Thursday, July 26, 2007 - 11:00am to 7:00pm
Submission Deadline 
Thursday, May 31, 2007 - 12:00pm
San Diego