FMX Conference Spotlight
Animation For Grown-Ups: 23rd International Trickfilm Festival Of Animated Film and FMX - 26 April to 1 May 2016 in Stuttgart, Germany
The motto of the 23rd International Trickfilm Festival was Animation For Grown-ups, and sure enough, the films shown at the opening night of the International Competition were very thought provoking.
APD 2017 Receives Funding from Creative Europe MEDIA
Animation Production Day receives funding from the Creative Europe MEDIA program for its 2017 edition to be held May 4 & 5, 2017.
WATCH: Blue Sky Studios' Steve Martino Talks 'The Peanuts Movie' Challenges at FMX 2016
'The Peanuts Movie' director Steve Martino discusses the creative and production challenges he faced making the studio's hit animated feature.
FMX Wraps 2016 Edition with Record Attendance
Twenty-first edition of European conference spotlighting animation, visual effects, games and transmedia saw a new all-time high of 3,500 attendees.
WATCH: ILM’s Patrick Tubach Talks ‘Star Wars’ & More at FMX 2016
Industrial Light & Magic VFX supervisor Patrick Tubach discusses the blend of practical and digital effects created for ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ at FMX 2016.
WATCH: USC's Alex McDowell Talks World Building, Augmented Reality and Transmedia at FMX 2015
Alex McDowell, creative director at the USC World Building Media Lab and 5D Global Studio, discusses how virtual reality, augmented reality and transmedia will impact the future of entertainment.
WATCH: Proof Inc.'s Ron Frankel Talks 'Guardians of the Galaxy' Previs and Postvis at FMX 2015
Ron Frankel, founder and creative director at Proof Inc., discusses the impact both previs and postvis have on films like 'Guardians of the Galaxy.'
WATCH: Professor Craig Caldwell Talks Storytelling in Games at FMX 2015
Craig Caldwell, USTAR senior research professor at the University of Utah, discusses storytelling challenges in games.
Final Program Details Unveiled for FMX 2016
‘Kung Fu Panda 3’ director Jennifer Yuh Nelson joining ‘The Peanuts Movie’ director Steve Martino and ‘Construct’ director Kevin Margo for a panel on the relationship between directors and technology.
MPC to Showcase Year of Spectacular Visual Effects at FMX 2016
Two conference sessions with production VFX supervisor Rob Legato and MPC VFX supervisor Adam Valdez will describe the unique filmmaking processes behind Disney’s ‘The Jungle Book.’
WATCH: Director David Silverman Talks All Things 'The Simpsons' at FMX 2015
Director David Silverman talks about the unequalled ongoing success of the series as well as well as how the shows are produced.
WATCH: USC's Professor Mark Bolas Talks Future of VR at FMX 2015
USC Professor Mark Bolas, a virtual reality pioneer, discusses applications for VR beyond entertainment and the challenges that virtual reality faces along the path to widespread consumer adoption.
WATCH: Epic Games' Kim Libreri and Ray Davis Talk VR with Unreal Engine at FMX 2015
Kim Libreri, CTO, and Ray Davis, Unreal Engine GM, from Epic Games, talk about opportunities for Unreal Engine in VR.
WATCH: Uncharted Territory's Marc Weigert Talks VFX Production Economics at FMX 2015
Marc Weigert, CEO of Uncharted Territory, talks about economic realities, production strategies and the inherent difficulties in making a good VFX-driven film.
WATCH: Framestore's Max Solomon Talks 'Jupiter Ascending' and 'Gravity' at FMX 2015
Max Solomon, an animation supervisor at Framestore, discusses his work as on 'Jupiter Ascending' and 'Gravity.'
FMX 2016 Spotlighting Oscar Winner ‘Inside Out,’ ‘Avengers’ VR Experience and More
Filmakademie graduate and Disney/Pixar Character TD Tanja Krampfert discusses the creation of Joy in ‘Inside Out,’ while DoP Patrick Lin illuminates the special camera set-up designed to parallel the main character’s emotional journey.
WATCH: Weta Digital's Joe Letteri Talks 'The Hobbit' and Virtual Production at FMX 2015
Joe Letteri, senior VFX supervisor and studio director at Weta Digital, discusses the use of digital characters and virtual production technology on the three 'Hobbit' films.
WATCH: Pixar's Christophe Hery Talks Lighting on 'Finding Dory' at FMX 2015
Christophe Hery, global tech and research TD at the Pixar Research Group, talks about the importance of new lighting technology on the film 'Finding Dory.'
Animation Production Day Reports Record Submissions for 2016
Thirteen films, 23 series and three gaming and special projects selected to participate in the 10th anniversary edition of international co-production marketplace running April 28th & 29th alongside the Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film and FMX 2016.
WATCH: Sebastian Sylwan Talks VR Technology Creative Realities at FMX 2015
Sebastian, a visual effects and digital media technologist, discusses consumers' acceptance of virtual reality and what the technology means for creators.
WATCH: VES Exec Director Eric Roth Talks VFX Industry Economics at FMX 2015
Eric Roth, executive director of the Visual Effects Society, discusses recent entertainment industry business trends, how they impact artists and studios and how the VES is addressing membership regarding these critical issues.
WATCH: Ed Hooks Talks Good and Bad Acting in Animation at FMX 2015
Ed Hooks, author of 'Acting for Animators,' discusses the main elements of good acting and how animators bring life to an animated film.
WATCH: The Third Floor's Duncan Burbridge Talks 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' Previs at FMX 2015
Duncan Burbridge, executive producer at The Third Floor, discusses how previs helped director Joss Whedon realize his creative vision on Marvel's 'Avengers: Age of Ultron.'
WATCH: Jon Peddie and Kathleen Maher Analyze CG and VR Tech Markets at FMX 2015
Jon Peddie and Kathleen Maher discuss how computer graphics and VR technologies affect the entertainment industry.