3-D Animation in France
It has been said that four countries have provided leadership in 3-D computer animation: the United States, Japan, Canada and France. One could expand that list to include other countries, such as England; but in any case,France is certainly one of the leaders.
Shamus Culhane
I heard about the death of Shamus Culhane through a voice mail message from Animation World Editor Harvey Deneroff asking me to write an obituary. Two years had passed since Shamus had told me that he was dying, but somehow I never took this news seriously...
And the Envelope Please ...
I was strapped tight in the 20 ton silver rocket ship named To InfinityAnd Beyond with countdown within minutes. I reminded myself to "breathe" according to basic manual training. "Body Functions" read high normal. Don't want to get too high, it distorts the mind's reaction time and I'll probably go in my suit...
Technician of Suspended Disbelief: Rick Dyer, Shadoan and the Frontier of Animated CD Entertainment
At 41, the game designer and inventor has been developing interactive video games for the CD-based and coin-operated markets for as long as just about anyone, and his successes are now legend: Among them is Dragon's Lair...
Europe - A Storyboard Success
European animation is on the move -- though whether the confidence ofproducers and studios is fully justified remains to be seen. Iain Harvey,an independent producer who has worked with such studios as TV Cartoons,Hibbert Ralph and Animation City, as well as his own production company,The Illuminated Film Company, discusses the progress of European animationover the last decade.
Fântome: The First 10 Years
Fante Animation, based in Paris, has found considerable success of late with its 3-D computer animatedTV series, Insektors, which went on the air shortly after ReBoot started airing in the U.S. and Canada...
Desert Island Series 1996 Academy Award Nominees for Animated Short Subject
Welcome to our Desert Island; our first in a series and a unique partof our magazine. My monthly quest is to find out how animation (and otherarts) impacts and influences internationally renowned animators, actors,directors, producers, musicians, and so on...
Creating the Memories
This article is adapted from the keynote address Bill Kroyer gave at the Ojai Animation Conference, in Ojai, California, on July 22, 1995. The Conference, designed as a retreat for the animation industry, was sponsored by the International Animated Film Society, ASIFA-Hollywood, in association with the Ojai Film Society.
Book Review: René Laloux
In his new book, RenLaloux states that, "In animated cartoons, contrary to what one may think, the needs of graphics do not necessarily correspond to the needs of movement...
The Emperor's New Clothes
I know I must be alone in this, and I know that there is nothing I can do about it except eventually accept it and go with it, but I do feel that I am waving at a computer-generated Emperor and politely telling him that he is wearing no clothes...
Sinomation: Shanghai Animation Studio -- Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Julie Reinganum and Philip Jhin, cofounders of Prrfect Animation, experienced China hands with over 15 years of creating business on the ground in China, nevertheless saw the potential for producing animation in Shanghai...