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VFXWorld Magazine

Method Studios Headline News

Method Studios Boosts Animation & VFX Talent with Key Hires

Deluxe Entertainment’s global visual effects brand adds Supervising Art Director and Head of Art Department Olivier Pron, Commercials VFX Supervisor and Creative Director Jesse Bradstreet, Commercials VFX Supervisor James Rogers, Animation Supervisors Daryl Sawchuk and Tim Ranck, and VFX Supervisor Gong Myung Lee.

Image Engine Headline News

Image Engine Unveils VFX Breakdown for ‘Game of Thrones’

Image Engine returns to Westeros and Essos for the epic sixth season of GoT, delivering CG environments -- including the vast library at The Citadel -- as well as a range of CG props, prop extensions, and digital makeup.

Awards Headline News

The Third Floor Wins Third Emmy Award with VFX Team for HBO’s ‘Game of Thrones’

Previs studio’s creative and technical visualization helps realize epic scenes for Emmy-winning episode, ‘The Battle of the Bastards.’

Blackmagic Design Headline News

Blackmagic Announces Acquisition of Ultimatte

Award winning real-time blue and green screen compositing solution has been recognized with an Emmy, a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Academy, and an Oscar for scientific and technical achievement

Emmy Awards Headline News

‘Game of Thrones,’ ‘Sherlock’ Recognized for Outstanding VFX at 68th Creative Arts Emmy Awards

HBO’s ‘Game of Thrones’ wins the award for Outstanding Special Visual Effects; award for Outstanding Special Visual Effects in a Supporting Role is given to PBS series ‘Sherlock.’

Autodesk Headline News

Autodesk Announces Major Updates to Flame Family at IBC 2016

New ‘Maya inspired’ 3D scene navigation features, workflow enhancements for third-party 3D animation tools, improved EXR handling, render quality improvements, better color management, and batch compositing enhancements included in Flame 2017 family extension 1 release available October 13.

Google VR Headline News

Sketchfab and Google VR Join Forces To Improve Sharing of Tilt Brush 3D Content

New launch of Google VR version 7 brings several key updates including improved FBX file format output to ensure that work created in VR can be easily uploaded to Sketchfab.

Visual Effects Society Headline News

Legendary East CEO Peter Loehr to Deliver Keynote Presentation at 2016 VES Summit

Forum to feature panels on cinematography and VFX and visual effects in the wild; industry leaders to host interactive business roundtables.

VIEW 2016 Headline News

VIEW Conference Unveils Spectacular Slate for 17th Annual Event

Running October 24-28 in Turin, Italy, VIEW 2016 to feature speakers from five of the six highest-grossing films of the year.

Maxon Headline News

MAXON Announces Technical Collaboration with NVIDIA

Multi-year agreement gives Cinema 4D developer access to NVIDIA rendering technology, including its Quasi-Monte Carlo sampling patent family, NVIDIA Iray, and Material Definition Language.

Adobe Headline News

Adobe Unveils New VR, Character Animation and 3D Innovations at IBC 2016

New version of Premiere Pro CC to include auto-aware Virtual Reality that seamlessly detects and applies the correct setting to stereoscopic and monoscopic media; After Effects CC to feature new Cinerender technology from MAXON.

Imagineer Systems Headline News

mocha Pro 5 OFX Plugin for Nuke & Fusion Now Available

New mocha planar tracking plugin delivers GPU acceleration and streamlined workflows to OFX hosts including The Foundry’s NUKE and Blackmagic Design’s Fusion.

Keywords: Virtual Reality Headline News

NVIDIA Releases Mod Editor for VR Funhouse in Epic Games Launcher

NVIDIA releases the full source code for VR Funhouse along with a brand-new mod editor called the VR Funhouse Mod Kit now available through the Epic Games launcher.

VIEW 2016 Headline News

Full Program for 2016 VIEW Conference Now Online

Italy’s VIEW Conference celebrates its 17th anniversary with full program of keynote presentations, production sessions, workshops, talks and more.

Epic Games Headline News

Unreal Engine 4.13 Now Available

Release includes several new rendering features, Alembic support for importing vertex animations, dynamic shadow optimization for mobile, and improvements to the VR Editor; non-linear cinematic editor Sequencer also receives major upgrades.

Pre-Visualization Headline News

Animatrik Provides Performance Capture Tech for 'Suicide Squad' Stunt-Vis

Animatirik’s performance capture system integrates CG assets from the film with live performances in real-time to help plan intricate fight scenes for the latest DC Universe installment.
