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VFXWorld Magazine

Virtual Reality Headline News

SIGGRAPH 2018 to Debut Immersive Pavilion With Vrcade and Village

Pavilion to host virtual, augmented and mixed reality projects; Walt Disney Animation Studios’ first VR Short, ‘Cycles,’ to make worldwide debut.

film animation festivals competition pitching SEMINARS WORKSHOPS Blogs

Call for Entries - ANIMARKT Pitching 2018

ANIMARKT Pitching 2018 – submit a project of your stop motion short

Projects of animated shorts and TV special episodes made with the use of puppet technique can take part in the pitching organized for the second time during ANIMARKT Stop Motion Forum. The deadline for submissions is July 31st.


How ILM Animated Rio, L3, and the Space Creature from ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’

Industrial Light & Magic employs its traditional hybrid approach to combining practical and CG effects for grounded performances.

Events Headline News

SIGGRAPH Emerging Tech to Focus on Health and Home

Studio projects at the conference -- set for Aug. 12-16 in Vancouver -- focus on merging collaboration and interactivity.

FMX 2018 Blogs

WATCH: Dennis Gansel Talks ‘Jim Button & Luke the Engine Driver’ at FMX 2018

By Dan Sarto | Tuesday, June 5, 2018 at 10:50pm

The director discusses his latest film, the live-action/VFX driven adaptation of the classic German children’s story.

Industrial Light & Magic VFXWorld

New Sheriff in Town: ILM’s Rob Bredow Talks ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’

From in-camera effects to the latest virtual production techniques, Industrial Light and Magic’s newly appointed head rounds up more than 1,800 VFX shots for the Star Wars stand-alone anthology space western.

Films Headline News

Auction Offers ‘Star Wars,’ ‘Blade Runner,’ ‘Terminator’ Props

More than 2,000 movie collectibles will be on the block for Profiles in History’s Icons & Legends of Hollywood event, set for June 5-8 in Los Angeles. 

Feature VFX VFXWorld

Framestore Delivers A Slice of the Action for ‘Deadpool 2’

Delivering 229 shots, including a nearly all-CG finale sequence, VFX powerhouse leads work on the two main CG characters  -- Colossus and Juggernaut -- as well as providing superhero VFX and animation work.
