Collège Boréal looking for a classical animation professor
Ontario Canada's Collège Boréal is looking for a classical animation professor.The purpose of the school's three-year program is to prepare learners to pursue a career in commercial animation, i.e., working in film, TV series, video game, CD-ROM, Web page and advertising production. The program allows the learner to be proficient in
DeForest Kelley, STAR TREK's "Bones" McCoy, dies
Actor DeForest Kelley, STAR TREK's Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy died Friday,June 10 after an extended illness. Kelley, born January 20, 1920, inAtlanta, Georgia, US, played supporting roles in a number of movies,including THE MAN IN THE GRAY FLANNEL SUIT (1956); GUNFIGHT AT THE O.K.CORRAL (1957), RAINTREE COUNTY (1957), and APACHE UPRISING (1966). STARTREK creator and producer Gene Roddenberry had wanted Kelley to play thedoctor in STAR TREK from the get-go, having worked with him previously on
STAR WARS falls to second place
STAR WARS EPISODE 1: THE PHANTOM MENACE, the digital effects driven actionfilm from Lucasfilm, grossed $25.4 million to bring its total to $296.7million while finishing second to newly released AUSTIN POWERS: THE SPY WHOSHAGGED ME in the US weekend boxoffice race for the week ending Sunday,June 13. Universal's THE MUMMY, with digital effects by ILM, finished fifthwhile grossing $5.48 million to bring its total to $136.2 million; THEMATRIX, directed by Larry and Andy Wachowski, finished seventh, grossing
Art Institute of Phoenix looking for an Academic Director of Game Art & Design
The Art Institute of Phoenix is looking for an Academic Director of Game Art & Design for their new Bachelor Degree program in Game Art & Design...
Art Institute of Phoenix looking for a Computer Animation Instructor
The Art Institute of Phoenix is looking for computer animation instructors for their Bachelors degree program...
Green Movie looking for animation, layout and storyboard artists
Italian production company GREEN MOVIE is searching for ANIMATION,LAYOUT and STORYBOARD ARTISTS for an upcoming feature cartoon productionwritten by Nobel award winner, Dario Fo. They are looking for freelancersand/or teams and/or companies from Europe, preferably countries nearby orneighbouring Italy. The production period is MAY 2000 - JUNE 2001, and willtake place all over Europe and Italy. The selection process must be over bymid-July 1999, so please hurry. Any queries should be sent to
Evans & Sutherland hire Ard and Munshani
Evans & Sutherland Computer Corporation has announced the appointment ofRobert H. Ard to the position of Group Executive, Applications, and ShankerMunshani to be General Manager of its Workstation Graphics Division. Ardwill be responsible for the Digital Studio, Digital Theater, and PixelProducts divisions. He will also continue as the General Manager of thePixel Products unit. Ard is a veteran software industry executive. Prior tojoining Evans & Sutherland in 1998 as the General Manager of the Pixel
Alphanim announces new productions
French production company Alphanim's RIPLEY'S BELIEVE IT OR NOT, a series,co-produced with Cinar, about a group of three friends who travel the worldseeking out paranormal phenomena, will begin airing on the Fox FamilyChannel on Wednesday, July 14, 1999. Alphanim, which was created in 1997 byChristian Davin, has announced a number of new television series that arein production or development.
In production:
SPACED OUT is a family sitcom created by P. Colin-Thibert and J.C. Islert,
Oxygen announces animation series for women
Oxygen Media, Geraldine Laybourne's media company founded to providecontent for women, will undertake cable television's first originalanimated prime-time series specifically targeting women. Machi Tantillowill be Executive Producer. "Our goal is to create the first animatedtelevision series for women, exploring issues from a female point of view.We also wanted to build an outlet specifically for female animators, whosedistinctive voices will help us develop a unique Oxygen animation style and
Gerry Lewis takes on new role at DreamWorks
Gerry Lewis, currently the co-head of international distribution andmarketing for DreamWorks, will retire from that post in September 1999 toplay a new role for the company, it was announced today by DreamWorksprincipal Jeffrey Katzenberg. Lewis has entered into a three-yearagreement, under which he will consult on the international marketingactivities of all films directed by Steven Spielberg (for DreamWorks andother studios), as well as any sequels to or other versions of projects
Protozoa will produce a new real-time 3D animation series
Protozoa, a leading real-time 3D character animation studio, is producingBBC Choice's new breakthrough kids series, THE DOG & DINOSAUR SHOW. Inproduction now, Protozoa, which did the real-time motion-capture animationfor live TV show guest appearances by M&M's Crispy character (Will VintonStudios created and animates the CGI character in the live-actioncommercial campaign), will produce 26 segments of the show using itsproprietary performance animation software, ALIVE. Asked why he chose
Norman Lear and Film Roman team-up for FAT LADY
Continuing to build upon the rapid growth of its television division'sdevelopment slate, Film Roman Inc. has teamed-up with televisionwriter/producer Norman Lear to develop TIL THE FAT LADY SINGS, an animatedprime-time comedy series. According to Norman Lear, the series will take anirreverent look at infirmity and old age, but also celebrate life andliving. The show revolves around characters who gather at a seniorcitizen's recreation facility and who cope with the challenges of old age
Don't miss the Academy of Art College Spring Show
The Academy of Art College in San Francisco will open their annual SpringShow, featuring the best work from the academic year, with a specialpreview party for professionals to look at the work and meet the graduatespersonally. The show will begin on Wednesday, May 26 with professionalhours from 3-7 pm. The public will be invited at 6 pm and the show willstay up until June 11 at 180 New Montgomery Street, San Francisco, USA.This is a good way to recruit new talent. For more details call Susan
Cartoon Network sets premiere for I AM WEASEL
Cartoon Network has announced that I AM WEASEL will premiere on June 10 at8 pm (ET/PT). This show is a spin-off from David Feiss' currently airingCOW AND CHICKEN series. Creator, writer, and director David Feiss' serieswill follow the exploits of the internationally famous I.M. Weasel and hisinsanely jealous arch-nemesis I.R. Baboon. Each half-hour show will consistof three 7 minute shorts. 52 shorts that were originally shown as part ofCOW AND CHICKEN will be joined by 27 new shorts have been created for the
LICENSING '99 INTERNATIONAL begins next week
* Tuesday, June 8 - Thursday, June 10. New York, New York, USA.
The global deal marketplace for the $132 billion business of licensingtakes center stage in New York City, June 8-10, 1999, with LICENSING '99INTERNATIONAL, the largest worldwide licensing event and the single mostconsolidated presentation of properties in one place. Licensing '98International drew a record 15,000 attendees from more than 60 countries.The show featured nearly 400 exhibitors representing more than 3,700
Disneyland celebrates Haunted Mansion anniversary
This summer, Disneyland, in Anaheim, California, will celebrate the 30thanniversary of The Haunted Mansion, one of the theme park's most popularattractions. In preparation for the August 9 milestone, on June 26 and 27Disneyland will offer the opportunity to meet several of the attraction'screators, and to view or purchase limited-edition reproductions of HauntedMansion artwork created 30 years ago by Marc Davis and Collin Campbell. OnSaturday, June 26, guests who purchase the required special ticket can
Film Roman announces DOOMSDAY
Film Roman Inc. has entered into an agreement with Howard Stern Productionsand writer/producer Tracy Torme to create the animated sci-fi/comedy seriesDOOMSDAY. While the concept was created by Torme, Howard Stern will play anintegral role in the development of the script and in the production of theseries, as well as provide the voice for one of the characters. Stern willinvite a number of his celebrity friends to appear as special guest voicesonthe show. DOOMSDAY tells the story of the Bradley family who travel in a
Phil Roman hires Rick Ramirez
Rick Ramirez, an executive with broad legal, financial and programdevelopment experience, has been named to the new position of vicepresident of the three-month-old Phil Roman Entertainment Company in StudioCity. As previously reported, Phil Roman recently departed the animationcompany he founded in 1984, Film Roman, to create his own animation firm.Ramirez' responsibilities will include all areas of business affairs,financing, and development both in the English and Spanish language markets
Gottlieb joins Harvey Board
The Harvey Entertainment Company has named MEYER GOTTLIEB to its Board ofDirectors. Gottlieb co-founded Samuel Goldwyn Films in 1998 and remains itsPresident and Chief Operating Officer. Gottlieb became the Chief OperatingOfficer of The Samuel Goldwyn Company in 1979 and its President in 1987,having assisted Mr. Goldwyn in the founding of the company. Prior to 1976,Gottlieb was a senior manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP with extensiveexperience in the entertainment industry.
Jamie Hewlett creates spot for Passion Pictures
London-based Passion Pictures has created a :60 spot for Virgin Cola,"Roller Girl," which features a roller-blading 2D animated heroine designedand conceived by Jamie Hewlett, creator of TANK GIRL. The spot was directedby Robert Valley and Chris Hauge for agency Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe.The spot was first pencil drawn and hand painted before being computerpainted in Toonz, with traditionally painted and airbrushed backgroundsadded.
Loop Filmworks has created a spot for HBO
Loop Filmworks has completed "The Honeymoon Suite," a stop-motion animatedspot for HBO. Directed by David Chartier, the spot features aBrooklyn-accented bellhop who guides a newlywed couple through theirhoneymoon suite. The couple are uninterested in what the bellhop says untilhe mentions that the room comes with HBO.
Nickelodeon launches storyboard competition
Nickelodeon's Worldwide Development Group, an international team ofNickelodeon creative and development executives, is launching Nickelodeon'sfirst global animation storyboard competition. The competition is open toanimators around the world. Six winners will be given the opportunity toproduce a one to three minute animated short based on their winningstoryboard and have it air on Nickelodeon channels around the world.Nickelodeon is looking for innovative animators with fresh,
DUMBO author dies
Helen Aberson Mayer, co-author with Harold Perl of "Dumbo, the FlyingElephant," the children's book that inspired the 1941 Walt Disney animatedfeature, DUMBO, died April 3, 1999 in her Manhattan home. She was 92. Bornin Syracuse, New York in 1907, Mayer, who was known as Helen Aberson whenshe wrote "Dumbo," moved from Syracuse, to Los Angeles, California in 1939at the request of the Walt Disney Company.
In her story, Dumbo the baby elephant is teased for his oversized ears, but
Star Wars gets even more digital
Two films are about to make history as the first widely released featurefilms available to moviegoers via digital projection. One is STAR WARSEPISODE I: THE PHANTOM MENACE; the other is the English romantic comedy, ANIDEAL HUSBAND. Beginning June 18, and continuing for four weeks, a digitalversion of Oliver Parker's AN IDEAL HUSBAND will play in New York City andLos Angeles. Check your papers for locations and times. For STAR WARSEPISODE I: THE PHANTOM MENACE, CineComm Digital Cinema and Texas