Continuing to build upon the rapid growth of its television division'sdevelopment slate, Film Roman Inc. has teamed-up with televisionwriter/producer Norman Lear to develop TIL THE FAT LADY SINGS, an animatedprime-time comedy series. According to Norman Lear, the series will take anirreverent look at infirmity and old age, but also celebrate life andliving. The show revolves around characters who gather at a seniorcitizen's recreation facility and who cope with the challenges of old agewith hope, courage, and lots of humor. Roy A. Smith (former SupervisingDirector of FAMILY GUY), is designing the show and is slated to be theSupervising Director. Emmy Award-winning television pioneer Norman Lear'scredits include the live-action sitcoms ALL IN THE FAMILY, ONE DAY AT ATIME, MAUDE, GOOD TIMES and SANFORD AND SON. Film Roman is currentlyproducing THE SIMPSONS and KING OF THE HILL for 20th Century FoxTelevision, THE DOWNTOWNERS for Warner Bros. Network, and is in productionon JOHNNY TSUNAMI, a live-action movie for The Disney Channel.Additionally, Film Roman has a number of live-action and animated featurefilms and television programs in active development. Just two days prior tothis development, Film Roman announced that they have entered into anagreement with Howard Stern Productions and writer/producer Tracy Torme tocreate the animated sci-fi/comedy series DOOMSDAY.