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Taylor Design looking for Japanese-style animators and webmasters-designers

Taylor Design Recruiting looking for Japanese-style animators and webmasters-designers...

TAYLOR DESIGN RECRUITING is looking to recruit individuals for thefollowing positions:

JAPANESE-STYLE ANIMATOR for Burbank, CA feature and redevelopment of "TheClerks" movie. This style is "dark and evil" comic book strip. Samples of2D and/or 3D work should be submitted to John Lafaunce sends e-mail).

WEB MASTER-DESIGNER and multimedia programmer (2 positions) needed forcurriculum development web site. Skills needed are C++, Java, HTML. Mustbe willing to relocate to beautiful Flagstaff, Arizona. 58K DOE. Pleasefax resumes to Kim Delson at (520) 284-2231.

For more information about these and other jobs, check out AWN's CareerConnections, the online Animation Job Fair.