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Art Institute of Phoenix looking for an Academic Director of Game Art & Design

The Art Institute of Phoenix is looking for an Academic Director of Game Art & Design for their new Bachelor Degree program in Game Art & Design...

THE ART INSTITUTE OF PHOENIX is a post-secondary, degree grantingeducational institution. The Institute has the following job positionsavailable:

ACADEMIC DIRECTOR OF GAME ART & DESIGN - The Institute is beginning aBachelor Degree program in Game Art & Design beginning Fall Quarter. TheAcademic Director (AD) is the principle academic officer for Game Art &Design. The AD's primary role is to provide support and guidance tostudents and faculty and to maintain a leadership role in all programfunctions. This position requires making decisions and operating in acoordinated effort with the DOE, program-specific advisory committee, andall other academic directors. The AD ensures the students' progress towardsuccessful completion. The AD is co-responsible with the Dean of Educationfor the fiscal well being of the program. The Director participates inactivities that market the program to prospective students and thecommunity. The Director provides leadership and vision in implementingcurriculum that has a competitive advantage over similar programs at otherinstitutions; recruits, develops and supervises a team of faculty andstaff; promotes and maintains positive student relations; manages academicprogram(s) to provide a quality education that meets and/or exceedsindustry expectations; manages the program operations with fiscalresponsibility; advocates and leads school and community relationactivities.

COMPUTER ANIMATION INSTRUCTOR - The Institute is looking for instructors toteach courses in our Computer Animation bachelor degree program. A MasterDegree in Computer Animation or related field is required as well asprofessional animation achievement. This position is part-time beginningJuly 12th and may grow into full-time by the Fall quarter. Applicants musthave practical experience with 3D computer applications: 3D Studio Max,SoftImage, PhotoShop, Adobe Aftereffects; working knowledge of theprincipals of Animation; excellent communication and presentation skills;strong interpersonal skill; dedication to providing quality instruction tostudents.

For more information about these and other jobs, check out AWN's CareerConnections, the online Animation Job Fair.
