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AWN Headline News

Headline News

UPN sports new look by The Attik

New York City-based THE ATTIK has created the new visual style for UnitedParamount Network (UPN), the sixth largest network in the US, to help brandits new identity for its fall season. This includes promos, opens,transitions, and ids. To create the package, The Attik developed a seriesof models formed from translucent plastic and glass, and photographed themon an animation bed. The elements were edited to generate a sense offluctuation in the energy of the UPN logo, which was then combined with a

Headline News


Los Angeles-based WinStar, which has recently released a number of publicdomain titles under the CARTOON CRAZYS heading, is releasing a "fullyrestored" version of the Fleischer Bros. 1939 feature, GULLIVER'S TRAVELS,on DVD and VHS on September 28, 1999 in the US. Transferred from a newlystruck print taken from an original negative, this version featuresenhanced audio remixed in Dolby Digital and Dolby Surround sound. Themusical score also has been remastered with additional scoring and

Animation Headline News

Rare Back Issues of Animato! now in AWN Newsstand!

Now you can purchase more back issues of Animato!, the magazine foranimation fans. Added to the Animato! archives are issues #25, 26, 27, 28,31, 33 and 36. Subscribe to your favorite animation publications directlyfrom the Internet 24 hours a day! Already available in AWN's Newsstand are:"The Animation Flash," ""Animato!," "FPS," and "Toon Magazine."


Software Headline News

Animo releases Production Tracker

Cambridge, UK-based Cambridge Animation has released Animo ProductionTracker - new software that allows studios to use the Internet, intranetsand internal networks to track every aspect of a production cycle. AnimoProduction Tracker software automates management of the thousands ofdrawings and different personnel involved in a typical project, allowingusers to better ascertain progress, determine costs, allocate resources,and eliminate duplication. The new software is fully integrated with Animo,

Headline News

Macromedia ships Drumbeat 2000

San Francisco, California-based Macromedia, Inc. has announced theimmediate availability of the Macromedia Drumbeat 2000 line of productswhich provide a visual solution for Web application and e-commercedevelopment. Drumbeat 2000 is available in an Active Server Pages (ASP)version, a Java Server Pages (JSP) version, and an eCommerce edition. TheDrumbeat 2000 product line is being offered for the first time byMacromedia, which announced its intent to acquire Elemental Software and

Motion Headline News

Art In Motion calls for entries

Art In Motion focuses on innovative content and diversity. The criteria forentry is time rather than medium based, and therefore video, film anddigital projects, animations, Websites, CD-Roms etc. are all eligible.Hybrids are particularly welcome. The festival will take place on January28, 2000 at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. Thedeadline for entries is November 1, 1999. There will be a $1000 "Best ofShow" award and "first place" allocations in each exhibition category. Formore information visit

World Headline News

Get a sneak online preview of YELLOW SUBMARINE!

On Monday, September 7 began offering clips from the newlyremastered YELLOW SUBMARINE, which will debut on video, DVD, and laserdiscon Tuesday, September 14 in the US. The site is offering a different clipeach day, including the newly restored "Hey, Bulldog" sequence. For moreinformation visit is an Internetbroadcaster of streaming media content from around the world, includingworld news, arts, travel, sports and entertainment.

Headline News

Viacom proposes merger with CBS

Viacom Inc., which owns MTV and Paramount Pictures, has offered to buy CBSCorp., one of the Big Three US television broadcasters, for $37 billion instock, the largest media transaction ever. The new company, which willstill be called Viacom, will be led by Sumner Redstone who will remainViacom's chairman and chief executive. CBS President and Chief ExecutiveMel Karmazin will be president and chief operating officer. The deal ispart of what is expected to be a wave of consolidation in the TV industry

Animation Headline News

MIPCOM announcements

The tradeshow for television programming producers and distributors takesplace October 4-8 in Cannes, France. Basque, Spain-based animation studioIRUSOIN is nearing completion of KARRAMARRO (CRAB ISLAND), a made fortelevision animated feature with rights available for worldwide TV andvideo release. The original story is about a group of kind, song-lovingpirates, focused on luckless Dimitri, a pirate who cannot sing, and aparrot who is the only clue to tracking down a fabulous pirate's treasure.

Entertainment Headline News


ERIK ST. ANTHONY has been appointed director of multimedia at LosAngeles-based INTERACTIVE TELEVISION ENTERTAINMENT (ITE)-USA, where he willhead the newly formed North American multimedia division. St. Anthony willbe responsible for developing and implementing retail, on-line andancillary distribution of the company's CD-ROM, PlayStation and Game Boyformats within North America. St. Anthony founded Adventure Media Group andTrinidad Entertainment, which together acquire DVD rights, create

Star Headline News

STAR BLAZERS episodes offered on internet

New York-based Corporation and Voyager Entertainment, Inc.have announced a partnership to bring the Japanese television series, STARBLAZERS, to the Internet. The series first appeared on US television in1979, and lasted for three seasons. The story of STAR BLAZERS is about agroup of heroic voyagers who, in order to save Earth from invasion, journeyon the starship Argo to battle the diabolical forces of Gamilon, the evilstellar empire. "There has been further interest to bring back STAR BLAZERS

Headline News

Superman co-creator's family reportedly in copyright battle, a website devoted tocomic books and science fiction, has reported that the widow and daughterof Jerry Siegel, co-creator with Joe Schuster of Superman, have filedpapers with the U.S. Copyright Office which have the effect of returning50% of the rights to the character of Superman to them. (Apparently, DCwill retain 50% interest in the rights unless the family of Joe Schusterfiles similar papers. Whether the Schuster family, or representative, will

Effects Headline News

Metacreations announces Carrara and KPT Vector Effects 1.5

San Francisco-based MetaCreations Corp., which develops and markets 2D and 3Dvisualization software for graphic artists and the World Wide Web, hasannounced Carrara 1.0, a 3D modeling and animation solution for print,video and the Web. Carrara will contain a hybrid Ray Tracer, advancedshader editors, multiple modelers, real-time Metaballs, particle systems,3D light sources, lens flares, motion blur, key framing, physical effects,deformers and more. Carrara will introduce a workflow called SmartFlow that

Features Headline News


The first episode ofSATURDAY NIGHT FRED, a Web Premiere Toon, debuted onAugust 30, 1999. The cartoon features clips from the 1963 season of THEFLINTSTONES that have been re-edited, with new voice-overs, to create newstories featuring Fred, Barney, and the rest of the Flintstones cast fromthat year. Viewers can either download the show as a QuickTime file, orview it as a streaming file. In both cases, it is possible to interact withthe show by replying to questions whose answers determine the direction the

Headline News

Fantoche 99 announces winners

The Fantoche International AnimationFestival, which was held August 31-September 5 in Baden/Zurich,Switzerland, has announced its award winners. The jury, which was comprisedof Linda Simensky (USA), Pierre Hébert (Canada), Michail Aldashin (Russia),Franziska Oliver (CH) and Frédéric Maire (CH), awarded the following prizes:

First Prize 'Best Film'MAJOR'S NOSE by Michail Lisowoi

Second Prize 'High Risk'GRACE by Lorelei Pepi

Third Prize 'Encouragement-Prize'

Million Headline News

THE SIXTH SENSE tops holiday US boxoffice

Buena Vista's supernatural thriller THE SIXTH SENSE, with visual effects byDreamQuest, finished first at the US weekend boxoffice for the fifthconsecutive week, grossing an estimated $28.5 million over the US Labor Dayholiday weekend, $8 million more than the previous week. Its total nowstands at $175.5 million. No other animation related films finished in thetop ten.

November Headline News

Fox Family announces Fall Schedule

Fox Family Channel, which was launched on August 15, 1998 when Fox took over the Family Channel, hasannounced its fall schedule. The schedule includes four new animatedseries: WEIRD-OHS is about three kids uncovering the mysteries of life;KIDS FROM ROOM 402, based on the book, GRACIE GRAVES AND THE KIDS FROM ROOM402 by Betty Paraskevas, is about a classroom of ten year old eccentrics;ANGELA ANACONDA, a cut-out style animated series, is about an eight yearold girl and her elementary school problems; and MEGA BABIES, revolves

Animation Headline News

Image releases Hubley DVD

Earlier this year Image Entertainment andLightyear released ART AND JAZZ IN ANIMATION, a compilation DVD of morethan four hours of features and shorts by John and Faith Hubley. Thecompilation includes two features, THE COSMIC EYE and OF STARS AND MEN, aswell as the shorts: OF MEN AND DEMONS, VOYAGE TO NEXT, EGGS, COCKABOODY,THE HOLE, THE HAT, DIG, HARLEM WEDNESDAY, ADVENTURES OF *, URBANISSIMO, andTHE TENDER GAME. While some of the older films are disappointingly fadedand a bit worn, fans of Hubley or independent animation will not want to

Universal Headline News

Universal releasing new Alvin and the Chipmunks video

Universal Studios Home Video is releasing ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS MEET FRANKENSTEIN. Produced anddirected by Kathi Castillo and animated at Universal Cartoon Studios inUniversal City, California, the direct-to-video shows what happens when thehavoc wrecking chipmunks encounter Dr. Frankenstein and his creation at aUniversal Studios-type amusement park. The chipmunks were created by RossBagadasarian (aka David Seville) in 1958 for the hit novelty record, "TheChipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)." Seville's earlier hit, "Witch

Festival Headline News

The 5th Cartoombria International Animation Festival is announced!

The 5th Cartoombria International Animation Festival will happen inPerugia, Italy, December 2-5, 1999. Although there will be no competitivesection, the artistic committee of the festival has put together a numberof retrospectives, exhibits, workshops, screenings, premieres and artisttributes. The festival will provide an international forum for a wide rangeof animation including feature films, TV serials, animated drawings, logosand advertising spots, and experimental videos made by international

Animated Headline News


Broderbund has released TOTALLY MAD, a seven CD-ROM compendium thatdocuments the history of MAD MAGAZINE. Included are the entire run ofissues up to 1998 from almost 50 years of MAD's history, along with videoclips of staff and artists, songs and animated cartoons from the currentsyndicated TV show including Spy vs. Spy and 14 animated marginals drawn bySergio Aragones. Back issues can be browsed page by page, or searched forarticles on specific topics. This is a collector's dream. Requires Windows95/98. Retail price is US$69.95.

Universal Headline News


UNIVERSAL STUDIOS HOLLYWOOD has appointed BRIAN COMPTON Senior VicePresident, Chief Financial Officer. Compton will be responsible forfinancial reporting and budgeting, planning and implementation of operatingbudgets, and direction of the financial management organizations of bothUniversal Studios Hollywood and Universal Studios CityWalk. Previously, Mr.Compton served as Director of Operations, Finance for Coach Leatherware, adivision of Sara Lee Corporation. He has held key financial posts with

Headline News


Santa Barbara, California-based SANTA BARBARA STUDIOS, a visual effectscompany that produces CGI for motion picture, commercial, television andspecial venue markets, has hired PETE TRAVERS as CGI supervisor and VIVIENMINTON as sales and marketing manager. Travers is returning to the studiowhere he previously worked on AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN PARIS, after which heleft to form his own company, ShadowCaster, through which he worked ascomputer graphics supervisor for Oscar winner WHAT DREAMS MAY COME. Minton

Headline News

Rhino releases BATMAN BEYOND and DR. SEUSS soundtracks

Kid Rhino's BATMAN BEYOND soundtrack on CD and cassette was released onAugust 31, 1999 in the US. BATMAN BEYOND is a popular series that is setfifty years in the future, taking place after Warners' previous Batmanseries, THE ADVENTURES OF BATMAN AND ROBIN. The album includes twentytracks. Also, the inlay and CD booklet include comments about thesoundtrack music by Bruce Timm, the series' producer, and artwork from theseries' opening sequence. The CD will retail for US$13.98, and the cassette
