Cambridge, UK-based Cambridge Animation has released Animo ProductionTracker - new software that allows studios to use the Internet, intranetsand internal networks to track every aspect of a production cycle. AnimoProduction Tracker software automates management of the thousands ofdrawings and different personnel involved in a typical project, allowingusers to better ascertain progress, determine costs, allocate resources,and eliminate duplication. The new software is fully integrated with Animo,Cambridge System's professional 2D animation software. For instance,calculations from raw data, such as total number of scanned and paintedframes done in Animo or other programs, are automatically stored in astandard database, which interacts with Animo Production Tracker. Thesoftware provides status reports on Animo tasks such as scenes, levels andbackgrounds, as well as data about work done outside the computer, such asanimation drawing, clean-up and checking. Animo Production Tracker runs onWindows NT with Animo 2.5 installed. A commercial database program such asMicrosoft Access is needed to store the data. For more information in theUS, Tel: 1-919-481-4599, or e-mail: