Cartoon Network to run Scooby-Doo marathon
To celebrate Scooby-Doo's 30th anniversary, Cartoon Network will present a 24-hourSCOOBY-DOO, WHERE ARE YOU? marathon beginning Saturday, October 23 at noon,a 10-hour marathon of Scooby-Doo movies on Saturday, October 30, and aneight-hour SCOOBY & SCRAPPY-DOO marathon on October 31. Immediately beforeeach of the marathons, as well as during them, Cartoon Network will airlive-action footage which will be called THE SCOOBY-DOO PROJECT, in whichthe real Scooby Gang heads out into the woods for a documentary in a spoof
Cinar investigated for tax fraud
Montreal, Canada-based LE JOURNAL DE MONTREAL reported Friday, October 15that Cinar, producer of such shows as PBS' ARTHUR, THE BUSY WORLD OFRICHARD SCARRY, ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK and WIMZIE'S HOUSE, substitutedthe names of Canadians for work done by non-Canadians to become eligiblefor tax credits that were intended to help Canada's film industry. Althoughthe film company was not named in the newspaper story, the CanadianBroadcasting Company (CBC) reports that on Friday, in the Canadian House of
Don't miss the ASIFA-East Animation Festival!
FableVision Studios and The Film Studies Program at Boston College areco-hosting the ASIFA-East Animation Festival for a one-night showing.FableVision's award-winning animated shorts THE BLUE SHOE and LIVINGFOREVER will be part of a line-up, which also includes the AcademyAward-winner BUNNY and films by Karen Aqua. Admission is free. The eventtakes place Wednesday, October 20, at 7:30 pm at Boston College, DevlinHall Room 08, 140 Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, USA.For more information visit
DPS ships dspReality
Digital Processing Systems (DPS), recently released a new animation andcompositing Studio Digital Disk Recorder, dpsReality. Designed foranimators, 2D artists and broadcast designers, dpsReality is based on anewReality hardware system debuted by DPS at SIGGRAPH 99 and IBC 99.dpsReality features include a cuts editor for clip preview and final videooutput, real time graphic overlay, and four track audio with volume and pancontrol. It also ships with a modified version of Eyeon Software's Digital
THE SIXTH SENSE finishes eighth at US boxoffice
Buena Vista's supernatural thriller THE SIXTH SENSE, with visual effects byDreamQuest, finished eighth at the US weekend boxoffice, grossing anestimated $5.2 million, for a total of $249.9 million. No other animationrelated films finished in the top ten.
Europeans set up new animation group
Seven European animation companies have joined to form a company called theEuropean Animation Group, although its name is likely to change. The grouphopes to produce a minimum of one animated feature or series per year,beginning in 2001 with its first feature, the $15 million ELFQUEST, set togo into production in January 2000. The announcement was made at MIPCOMheld October 4 - 8 in Cannes, France. European Animation Group bringstogether seven companies. From France, the partners are
Yuri Norstein and Nina Shorina visit US
Russian animators Yuri Norstein and Nina Shorina are visiting the US.ASIFA-Hollywood will host a reception for Yuri Norstein on Thursday,October 21, 1999 from 7-9 p.m. at ASIFA-Hollywood's Animation Center,located at 721 South Victory Blvd., in Burbank.There is no charge to attend this reception. However due to limitedspace, reservations are required. To RSVP, please call the ASIFA-Hollywoodoffice at (818) 842-8330. Born in Moscow in 1941, Norstein is consideredone of the most remarkable animation directors to emerge from the current
CDIS sponsors Environment.Com
British Columbia-based CDIS, a media arts college, is sponsoringEnvironment.Com: Generating Community Stewardship and Sustainability forOur Environment Through New Media. The event takes place October 24, 1999,11 am - 4 pm at CDIS which is located at 3264 Beta Ave. in Burnaby, BritishColumbia, Canada. CDIS's sponsorship includes the use of its 20,000 sq. ft.campus in Burnaby, complete with high-speed Internet connections, and thepresentation of free seminars on New Media technologies. For more
RING OF FIRE completes Infiniti effects
West Hollywood, California-based RING OF FIRE completed the visual effectsfor two spots for the new Infiniti I30 luxury sedan and agency TBWAChiat/Day. For "Rain" Ring of Fire added time-lapse clouds, individuallyrotoscoped each raindrop and added visual enhancements to the car and itsenvironment. For "Aspens" they created the mirror's reflection, compositedclouds and birds in trees, and added shadows to the trees.
BUENA VISTA PICTURES MARKETING has promoted MAE JOYCE to vice president ofnational publicity, and DAVID SINGH to vice president of creative filmservices. JOYCE will be responsible for strategizing, coordinating andadministrating all aspects of national publicity for films released underthe Walt Disney Pictures, Touchstone Pictures and Hollywood Picturesbanners. Joyce joined Disney in November 1996 after two years as apublicist with Warner Bros. During her tenure at Disney, she has served as
DISNEY PUBLISHING WORLDWIDE has named STEVE ASTER vice president ofcirculation and global operations, and LISA HOLTON has been promoted tosenior vice president, group publisher for global children's books. ASTERwill manage global operations and production services, which includesmanufacturing, printing, and co-printing, as well as a wide range ofservices to Disney Publishing Worldwide's licensees. Aster joined The WaltDisney Company in 1998 as vice president of circulation for Buena Vista
THE ATTIK moves people around
JAMES SOMMERVILLE, co-founder of THE ATTIK, has relinquished his mostrecent role as creative director of the New York branch to oversee thedevelopment of the company throughout its five offices in Huddersfield(England), London, New York, San Francisco and Sydney. While based inLondon, Sommerville will continue to direct both commercials and long formprojects through The Attik/New York and London. Also, The Attik's executiveproducer JIM MORAN has added managing director to his title and assumed
OXYGEN MEDIA, Geraldine Laybourne's media company founded to providecontent for women, has promoted LISA GERSH HALL to chief operating officer.She will be responsible for legal matters, finance, human resources,business affairs and e-commerce. Previously, Hall was general counsel andchief administrative officer. Oxygen has also hired DAN TAITZ to be generalcounsel. He was formerly a partner with New York law firm Friedman Kaplan &Seiler.
SONY PICTURES FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT (SPFE) has hired TAMARA Y. WOOLFORK asdirector of business affairs. Woolfork will be responsible for SPFE's fullrange of business affairs negotiations for theatrical motion pictures,television and direct-to-video productions. Woolfork joins Sony from WarnerBros. Feature Animation where she served as director of business and legalaffairs for the last three years on projects such as QUEST FOR CAMELOT andTHE IRON GIANT.
NewKidCo and Disney Interactive join to develop console titles
Burlington, Massachusetts-based NewKidCo International Inc., a children'sgame publisher, and Disney Interactive have entered into a multi-yearagreement to develop and publish console video games featuring popularDisney properties. Through the deal, NewKidCo has obtained the rights topublish interactive adventures for various video game platforms, includingPlayStation, Nintendo 64 and Game Boy Color. As part of the agreement, thefirst title targeted for release will be DISNEY'S ANIMATED STORYBOOK:
SEGA GAMEWORKS hires RON BENSION as president and CEO
SEGA GAMEWORKS, a location-based entertainment venture formed by StevenSpielberg and DreamWorks SKG, Universal Studios and Sega Enterprises, hasnamed leisure entertainment industry veteran, RON BENSION, as president andCEO. As Chairman and CEO of MCA/Universal Studios Recreation Group from1992 to 1996, Bension was responsible for running all aspects of UniversalStudios Hollywood and Universal Studios Florida in addition to developinginternational theme park joint ventures in the United Kingdom and Japan.
KLEISER-WALCZAK CONSTRUCTION CO., which has studios in North Adams,Massachusetts, Manhattan, and Hollywood, has hired JIM HATCH as chiefoperating officer. Hatch will oversee the company's daily administration,operations, and financial management, working with co-founders and ownersJeff Kleiser and Diana Walczak. Hatch previously worked at AmericanInteractive Media, Inc. where he was chief operating officer and corporatesecretary.
A Closer Look: Canada, a major player in the animation industry
Two years ago, Walt Disney Animation Canada Inc. expanded its productionservices by officially opening a permanent studio in Toronto, in additionto the one which has been operating in Vancouver since 1996. Bothfacilities operate as one co-existing production unit referred to as "theCanadian studio." It also handles pre-production, such as storyboarding,character design and layout, thus creating the first full-service facilityin the Walt Disney Television Animation family. Whereas Hollywood had
CINANIMA '99 daily programs now available
The Cinanima International Animated Film Festival will be held November8-14, 1999, in Espinho, Portugal. In addition to this year's officialcompetition program, as well as the retrospectives and exhibitions, thefestival web site now offers the festival daily program on their web site.
October Acrobat Issue of Animation World Magazine Now Online!
As the holidays approach our minds turn to licensing and merchandising andwhat is going to be on the shelves this winter. In this issue TarletonGillespie takes us on a trip through Toys R Us to determine the meaning oftoys to kids. The French licensing and merchandising market is detailed byValerie Rivoallon. Sharon Schatz profiles toon loving Rhino Records andKaren Raugust looks at how "Sesame Street's" content changes as the popularshow travels around the world. "Toy Wishes" predicts this year's top dozen
Job opportunity for a Digital Animation Instructor
Will your school be listed in AWN's Winter 2000 Animation School Directory?
AWN's Winter 2000 Animation School Directory is coming in December.Educators and School Administrators - don't miss out! Make sure AWN's nextschool directory includes the most current information about youreducational program....
New clips, columns and links in the Student Corner!
This week, we highlight AWN's exclusive two part story on legendaryanimator Bob Clampett, his award winning work at Warner Bros. and hisfamous Beany and Cecil show - plus Glenn Vilppu's latest masterclass tutorial...
This week's Animation Trivia Quiz: Famous Animators and Comic Strips
This week's AWN Animation Trivia Quiz features questions famous animators and their close relationship with "comics."...
New ADULTS ONLY Plympton Comic of the Week!
This week's comic, extracted from the comic book, "SleazyCartoons of Bill Plympton," is for ADULTS ONLY....