Rhino releases BATMAN BEYOND and DR. SEUSS soundtracks
Kid Rhino's BATMAN BEYOND soundtrack on CD and cassette was released onAugust 31, 1999 in the US. BATMAN BEYOND is a popular series that is setfifty years in the future, taking place after Warners' previous Batmanseries, THE ADVENTURES OF BATMAN AND ROBIN. The album includes twentytracks. Also, the inlay and CD booklet include comments about thesoundtrack music by Bruce Timm, the series' producer, and artwork from theseries' opening sequence. The CD will retail for US$13.98, and the cassette
THE WOLFMAN wins at Edinburgh
At the 53rd Edinburgh International Film Festival, which ran August 15-29,The 10th Post Office McLaren Award for the Best British Animation was wonby Tim Hope for THE WOLFMAN. The award is named in honor of the greatScottish experimental animator, Norman McLaren. The competition was judgedby a panel of six previous winners of the McLaren Award, including GedHaney, Phil Mulloy, Tim Webb and Sue MacLoughlin. Animation Director BobGodfrey accepted the award and a check on behalf of the winner from the
CDIS looking for 2D and 3D instructors
The Center for Digital Imaging and Sound (CDIS) is a leader in technicalarts education based in Burnaby, B.C., Canada. CDIS is growing rapidly andcurrently seeking applications for instructors in 2D and 3D Graphics, 3DSpecial FX, Film/Video FX, Computer and Classical Animation, Film/VideoProduction, Art and Design (Practical and Theory), Interactive Media (Weband CD), Web Design/Development, Internet Applications, Programming for Weband Game Applications, Game Design, and Audio Production and Theory. Job
Brand new easy to search indexed Animation World Magazine Archives!
The Archives provide a fast, easy to navigate search tool that puts thedepth and breadth of our editorial content right at your fingertips...
News columns on 2D animation, recruiting in the Student Corner
The 2D Computer Animation Workshop column debuts, plus another Pam Thompson "Career Coach" column are in the Student Corner this week...
Plympton's Comic of the Week: "A Normal Businessman"
This week's Animation Trivia Quiz: Warner Bros.
Store Special: Estonian Animation, With Priit Parn Part 2
The second of an eight part series of Estonian animation features more workfrom legendary animator, Priit Parn. Volume 2 includes: "Triangle" (1982),"Time Out" (1984), "1895" (Grand Prix, Zagreb 1996 and Best Design Award,Ottawa 1996) and "The Night of The Carrots" (Grand Prize, Ottawa 1998).This exclusive video is available in the US and Canada for $29.95 plusshipping and handling.
DENNIS KANG wins CDIS scholarship
DENNIS KANG, a graduate of Robert Bateman Secondary School in Abbotsford,Canada, has been awarded a $5,000 entrance scholarship by the CENTER FORDIGITAL IMAGING AND SOUND (CDIS). Kang will begin his post-secondarystudies this October in CDIS's full-time Character Animation Program.Established in 1979, CDIS is one of Canada's oldest and most successfulprivate media arts colleges with graduates working world-wide in today'smost interesting fields.
Hollywood, California-based CLASS-KEY CHEW-PO COMMERCIALS has signed TOMDECKER to direct spots for its commercial division. Decker is best knownfor his direction of the on-going Chuck E. Cheese campaign. From 1994-1997Decker was senior animator at Chuck Jones Productions where he worked ontheatrical shorts starring Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and other classiccharacters in such titles as SUPERIOR DUCK and FROM HARE TO ETERNITY.
PINOCCHIO returns to VHS
Buena Vista Home Entertainment previously announced that the 60thAnniversary Edition of Disney's classic PINOCCHIO would be the first Disneyanimated feature to be released in the DVD format [Animation Flash8/24/99]. Now they have announced that a new VHS edition of PINOCCHIO,fully restored and THX-certified, will be available on the same day as theDVD version, October 26, 1999 in the US. This version will include a"Making of Pinocchio" bonus section, which will only be available on the
Newtek ships Video Toaster for Windows
San Antonio, Texas-based NewTek, manufacturer of 3D animation and videoproduction products, has announced Video Toaster for Windows. The new VideoToaster is the heir to the original Video Toaster for the Amiga, whichinitiated the desktop video revolution in 1990. The Video Toaster offersusers a suite of tools for video creation including all the essentialcomponents for video editing, compositing and 2D/3D animation. Thesuggested retail price is $2995.00. The dual format NTSC and PAL solutionretails for $3495.00.
Station X licenses animation software
Santa Monica, California-based Station X Studios is licensing theproduction version of its proprietary animation software tools, code named"Project: messiah," as a commercial software product. The high-endanimation production software, developed to animate the studio'sforthcoming live-action/CGI feature film DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: THE MOVIE, canbe used on computers utilizing the Microsoft Windows NT operating systemwith either Intel compatible or Alpha compatible processors. A Mac version
SEGA Dreamcast sets record for preorders
Sega DreamCast, the superconsole with a built-in 56K modem (for internetgame play) that will bring the most-advanced and realistic video gameplayever developed to consumers when it is launched on September 9, 1999, hasset a record with 300,000 pre-orders, surpassing the previous record of100,000 held by Sony PlayStation. The new 128-bit, Internet-ready SegaDreamCast is fifteen times more powerful than a Sony PlayStation, ten timesmore powerful than a Nintendo 64 and has four times the graphics processing
DARIA goes interactive
MTV and sister Viacom unit Simon & Schuster Interactive are producing sixCD-ROM (for PC and Mac) and PlayStation entertainment titles for MTV'sDARIA over the next five years. The first title, DARIA'S SICK, SAD LIFEPLANNER will ship this October for the PC. DARIA, which debuted in March of1997, spun off Beavis and Butt-Head's only female "friend" into her ownshow. The series is about Daria Morgendorffer, a smart and sardonicteenager blessed with an uncanny ability to turn potential disaster to her
Hollywood Shorts returns
The September edition of Hollywood Shorts, a monthly short film series forlive-action and, occasionally, animation, takes place Sunday, September 12at various venues throughout the Los Angeles area, and on the web. For moreinformation visit www.lalive.com/hollywoodshorts.
Don't miss MIM!
The 6th Multimedia International Market (MIM) takes place September 15-17in Montreal, Canada. The tradeshow includes the International Golden MIMscompetition which will award prizes for the best CD-Rom, Web Sites andOthers (Business Solutions, Multimedia Software, Special Effects). For moreinformation Tel. (514) 288 3931, Fax: (514) 288 0641, or E-mail:info@mim.qc.ca. Also visit www.mim.qc.ca.
WIA Writers Group presents Lydia Marano
The Women In Animation Writers Group presents guest speaker Lydia Marano,whose credits include GARGOYLES, SPIDER-MAN, PHANTOM 2040, CONAN AND THEYOUNG WARRIORS, and RESCUE RANGERS. The event takes place Thursday,September 9, 7:30 pm. at Saban Entertainment, 10960 Wilshire Blvd. at thecorner of Midvale in Westwood, California, USA. The admission fee is $5.00.RSVP: Karla Parker at karlaparker@earthlink.net, or Jean Wrightat (818) 360-8321.
Cartoon Network promotes James Porges to V.P. of Off-Channel Commerce
Cartoon Network has promoted James Porges to vice president of off-channel commerce. Porges will manage the businessdevelopment of consumer products and off-channel presence of all CartoonNetwork-branded multi-character efforts, including publishing, music, homevideo, and theme parks. He will also manage all original Cartoon Networkcharacters such as The Powerpuff Girls and Johnny Bravo. Prior to becomingdirector of brand management, Porges was director of Cartoon Network Clubsat Turner Home Entertainment.
Kino releases Brothers Quay
Macromedia releases Flash Writer for Adobe Illustrator users
San Francisco, California-based Macromedia, Inc. has announced Macromedia FlashWriter, a free downloadable plug-in for Adobe Illustrator, which willenable Illustrator users to save their artwork natively to the Flash Playerfile format (SWF). Illustrator users will now be able to deploy theirartwork to the Web immediately without having to reformat it as a bitmappedfile. Flash is the industry standard for high-impact, vector-based Websites that deliver motion, sound, interactivity and graphics. Flash Writer
MTV forms MTV Interactive (MTVi)
New York-based MTV Networks Online, a unit of ViacomInc., has formed MTV Interactive (MTVi), a new Internet-only music company,which will include music super-brands vh1.com, mtv.com and sonicnet.com.Nicholas Butterworth, former president of SonicNet, was named president andCEO of MTVi, and will report directly to Fred Seibert, president of MTVNetworks Online and Chairman of MTVi. "We think there is great value informing a company that includes three of the Internet's best music sites,"
Penn & Teller guest star on WHIRLGIRL
Magicians Penn & Teller willguest star on the September 10th episode of SHO.com's WHIRLGIRL, Showtime'sanimated online series about a sexy, 21st century cyber-heroine. "We sawPenn & Teller's wise-guy approach to magic and their cult-like appeal as aperfect fit for the WhirlGirl audience," says WHIRLGIRL creator DavidWilliams of New York-based Visionary Media, producer of the series."Besides, who else but Penn & Teller could pull off the'Throwing-Knives-at-a-Super-Heroine-On-A-Roulette-Wheel' stunt?" The
NPAR 2000 calls for entries
NPAR 2000 is the first internationalsymposium dedicated to non-photorealistic animation and rendering,including cartoon animation systems and techniques. It takes place at theInternational Animated Film Festival of Annecy, France, July 5-9, 2000 inconjunction with ACM/SIGGRAPH and Eurographics. The symposium will bringtogether researchers and practitioners from academia and industry, showcasecutting-edge research in non-photorealistic animation and rendering systemsand techniques, and present examples of these techniques in original
PHANTOM MENACE continues to score at the boxoffice
Lucasfilm's STAR WARS EPISODE ONE:THE PHANTOM MENACE passed the $300 million mark in overseas boxoffice,making it the eleventh most successful film of all time outside of NorthAmerica. It opened last week in Switzerland with $1.1 million, thefourth-biggest opening there. In three regions where it was in its secondweek of release, it took in $7.5 million in Germany for a total of $24.7million; $2.7 million in Spain for a total of $10.9 million; and $893,000in Sweden for a total of $3.1 million. The film's total gross from 27