EMMA calls for entries
The International EMMA Awards are prestigious European-based interactivemedia awards. In 1999, there will again be an online announcement ofnominations and winners. In the months following the announcement, anotherseries of winners' celebration events will be organized to coincide with anumber of new media related events such as Invision in San Francisco andMilia in Cannes. Categories include: Business, Entertainment, GeneralInterest, Technology, Education, Games, Interactive, and Digital City.
The 1999 Primetime Emmy Award nominees have been announced
The Academy for Television Arts and Sciences have announced the nomineesfor the 1999 Primetime Emmy Awards. The awards ceremony will be telecast onFox on September 12 and held in Los Angeles' Shrine Auditorium. Theanimated nominees include the following programs:
The category for OUTSTANDING ANIMATED PROGRAM (For programming one hour orless) includes five nominations:
FUTURAMA - A BIG PIECE OF GARBAGE (FOX/Curiosity Company Productions inassociation with Twentieth Century Fox).
Don't miss these new U.S. home entertainment releases
This list of upcoming home entertainment releases includes some new titles,but most of them are new only to DVD. Disney has just re-released ROBINHOOD and ALICE IN WONDERLAND; their live-action RETURN TO OZ, whichincludes some stop-motion by Will Vinton Studios, will be released on DVDand VHS on August 10. Touchstone's WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT? will bereleased on DVD on September 28. Warner Bros. has just released 1999'sanimated THE KING AND I on both VHS and DVD; WALLACE AND GROMIT: THE
Hash releases Animation Master 99 version 7.1
Vancouver, Washington-based Hash, Inc. has released an update to AnimationMaster 99, the 3D animation software program. In addition to carrying a lowprice tag, Hash offers many features found in higher priced packages and issupported by many animators as a low cost package that is capable of goodwork. New to version 7.1 are advancements in new real-time hardwaretechnologies, enhanced rendering tools, and overall workflow performanceenhancements. The upgrade is free to owners of Animation Master 99. Formore information visit www.hash.com.
Infogrames releases BUGS BUNNY LOST IN TIME
French company Infogrames Entertainment has released 'Bugs Bunny Lost inTime' for Sony PlayStation. In this video game Bugs encounters old nemeses,including Elmer Fudd, Yosemite Sam, Marvin the Martian, Witch Hazel, Rockyand Mugsy, Merlin the Wizard, the Bull, and Daffy Duck in settings rangingfrom the Stone Age and Pirate eras all the way forward to Dimension X.Suggested retail price is US$39.95.
Exhibitors' deadline nears for Animation Expo 2000
Don't miss out on your chance to save by registering your exhibit early forAnimation Expo 2000. The deadline for registration at the Early Bird ratesis July 30, 1999. ASIFA-Hollywood's Animation Expo 2000 will be held at theGlendale Civic Auditorium in Glendale, California, USA on March 3 and 4,2000. This 7th annual animation trade and technology show focuses on therecruitment of animation related talent and personnel, demonstrations ofcomputer technology, animation related products and services, and the sale
Special screening of "The 7th Voyage of Sinbad"
* Wednesday, July 21, 7 pm. Beverly Hills, California, USA.
Ray Harryhausen, director Nathan Juran, and genie actor Richard Eyer willbe on-hand for the screening of a newly restored print of THE 7TH VOYAGE OFSINBAD. Tickets (donations) are $20, which includes a souvenir booklet.Samuel Goldwyn Theater, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, 8949Wilshire Blvd. For more information contact The Argonaut Foundation, 101531/2 Riverside Dr. #290, No. Hollywood, CA 91602. Tel: 818-890-4492; fax:
John Adams signs with AREA 51
Director John Adams has signed to be represented by Santa Monica,California-based AREA 51 Films. Prior to launching his commercial directingcareer last year, Adams was director of broadcast production at DDBNeedham, Dallas.
Ian Renton moves to San Francisco Attik
The Attik/San Francisco has also named Ian Renton Studio Manager. Rentonwill oversee the day to day operation of the studio. He is also responsiblefor insuring that all equipment works correctly, handling briefings withclients, and shepherding design projects from inception to completion. Hecomes from The Attik's Huddersfield, UK office where he was Digital ArtworkManager/Studio Manager.
Cartoon Network announces fall highlights
Cartoon Network, the 24 hour all-cartoon cable service, has announcedseveral highlights on its fall schedule. These include: a TINY TOONMARATHON on Sunday, September 19, 12-8 pm; the premiere of new series MIKE,LU & OG, created by Chuck Swenson, Mikhail Aldashin, and Mikhail Shindel,on November 12; the premiere of new series COURAGE, THE COWARDLY DOG,created by John R. Dilworth, on November 12; the television premiere of thefeature-length SCOOBY-DOO AND THE WITCH'S GHOST on November 27 at 8 pm.
Animation scholars to gather in Australia for the next SAS Conference
The Annual Society for Animation Studies (SAS) Conference will be hosted byGriffith University and will feature papers by Maureen Furniss on motioncapture, Chris Robinson on Estonian animation, Richard Leskosky onanimating between the lines, Jean-Paul Goergen on hand-drawn sound inGermany in the 1930s, Suzanne R. Williams on the aesthetics of computergames, Marilyn Carney on Australian women animators, Bryan Barker on theimpact of CinemaScope on animation production, Cathyrn Vasseleu on "Time
MTV sets premiere for DOWNTOWN
MTV: Music Television will premiere its newest animated series, MTVDOWNTOWN, which was created by New York-based School of Visual Arts alumnusChris Prynoski, on Tuesday, August 3, 1999 at 10:30 pm ET/PT, 9:30 pm CT.The 13-episode series will air regularly on Tuesday nights. MTV DOWNTOWNfocuses on the shy and thoughtful Alex, and his wild and crazy sister,Chaka. Many of the characters and situations are based on interviews withpeople around Manhattan.
Super 78 does spot for YouBet.com
Hollywood-based Super 78 used Adobe After Effects 4.0 to design the 2Dgraphics for a :30 spot, "Wanna Bet?," for YouBet.com, a new thoroughbredhorseracing on-line wagering service.
Cartoon Network forms Cartoon Network Studios
Cartoon Network is forming Cartoon Network Studios, an independentproduction facility to develop and produce original animated programmingfor the 24-hour, all-cartoon cable channel. The new, Los Angeles-basedfacility, due to begin operation by the end of the year, will give CartoonNetwork more control over series development, production, andadministration procedures. Among the series that the new studio willproduce are the currently airing THE POWERPUFF GIRLS, JOHNNY BRAVO, and
Turner plans another toon network
In 1992, Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. (TBS) first launched its 24 hourall-cartoon cable service, Cartoon Network. Next spring, Turner will launcha second all-toon service, Boomerang. When Cartoon Network debuted sevenyears ago, it could have been called the Hanna-Barbera Network because itsprogramming consisted almost exclusively of the classic Hanna-Barberalibrary, which was also owned by Turner. But recently new shows such as THEPOWERPUFF GIRLS and DEXTER'S LABORATORY, produced by Cartoon Network
Don't miss ASIFA-Hollywood's ANIFEST '99!
ASIFA-Hollywood's ANIFEST '99 is a free 2-day festival of animation. Eventsinclude a hands-on animation experience for kids; a stage show by voiceartist Lucille Bliss and others; SIMPSONS comic book artist Phil Ortiz,Warner Bros. Feature Animation director Tom Sito, storyboard artist BobMiller, plus other professionals will also offer individual animationindustry insight through engaging stage presentations; demonstrations fromanimators, storyboard artists and character layout artists; and a silent
Here are the US weekend boxoffice results
Disney's TARZAN finished seventh in the US weekend boxoffice race, grossingan estimated $7.4 million for a total of $143 million; Warner's THE WILDWILD WEST, with digital effects by ILM, finished fifth, grossing anestimated $10 million for a total of $94 million; Lucasfilm's STAR WARS I:THE PHANTOM MENACE finished eighth, grossing an estimated $5.3 million fora total of $394.9 million; Buena Vista's MUPPETS FROM SPACE finished tenth,grossing $5.1 million for a total of $7 million; and Trey Parker's SOUTH
New anime releases for Fall 1999
A.D.V. Films is releasing the following titles in the US. CITY HUNTER: BAYCITY WARS, and SORCERER HUNTERS VOLUME 5 - FORBIDDEN DESIRES, are beingreleased on October 12, while SAKURA WARS 2, SAKURA WARS DVD, and VARIABLEGEO, are being released on October 26. All of these titles will be releasedin both English dubbed and Japanese with English subtitles. A.D.V.'sSoftcel division, which specializes in titles with nudity, sex, and adultsituations, is releasing CAN CAN BUNNY and COUNTDOWN: AKIRA on September
Facets gets Expanded
Torrance, California-based Expanded Entertainment, which produced theTournee of Animation and Animation Celebration in recent years, andcompiled and distributed tapes of award-winning animated shorts, has soldits inventory to Chicago-based Facets Video, which also handles The WholeToon Catalog. The titles include four Animation Celebration volumes,British Animation Invasion, six International Tournee of Animation volumes,The World's Greatest Animation, and several other titles. Once Facets'
Macromedia acquires Elemental
San Franciso-based Macromedia, Inc. has announced an agreement under whichMacromedia will acquire Elemental Software for $24 million in a stock forstock transaction. Elemental Software is a privately held company thatdevelops and markets software that enables corporate users to build Webapplications for e-business solutions. Elemental's products includeDrumbeat 2000, Drumbeat 2000 JavaServer Pages Edition, and eStore Builderfor Drumbeat 2000. Upon completion of the acquisition, the Elemental
Renegade Animates Office Helper
Burbank, California-based Renegade Animation has animated a cute catcharacter as one of the office assistants for the newly released MicrosoftOffice 2000. The assistant is the intelligence center of the Office helpsystem. Users can ask it questions in their own words and it provides help.The cat was rendered with cel animation, and Darrell Van Citters directed.FunArts Software, a company that creates and produces office assistants forMicrosoft, commissioned the animation from Renegade.
Disney publishes book on storyboard artists
In October 1999, Disney publishing house Hyperion will publish PAPER DREAMS- THE ART AND ARTISTS OF DISNEY STORYBOARDS by John Canemaker. The bookprovides a behind-the-scenes look at the development of stories,situations, and personalities for many of Disney's animated films, fromPLANE CRAZY through TARZAN. It also includes information about many littleknown story artists and writers. Artists covered include Bill Peet, TedSears, Pinto Colvig, Earl Hurd, Webb Smith, Carl Barks, Harry Reeves, Homer
ITS hires Katy O'Grady
Vienna, Virginia-based ITS (The Association of Imaging Technology andSound) has named Katy O'Grady Marketing and Communications Manager. O'Gradywill be responsible for producing the ITS monthly newsletter, managing thewebsite/e-mail list, membership and conference marketing, coordinatingpress trade agreements and advertising, and compiling the ITS annualreport. She comes from The American Association for Marriage and FamilyTherapy in Washington, D.C. where she was Marketing Specialist.
Gallegos joins San Francisco Attik
The Attik/San Francisco has named Joe Gallegos Director of StrategicPlanning. He comes to The Attik from Saatchi & Saatchi where in Miami,Florida he was Regional Account Supervisor for the Latin American marketfor both Eastman Kodak Company's Professional Division and Nortel Networks;and in Rochester, New York where he was Senior Account Executive.
Mercury Filmworks promotes Michael O'Brien
Vancouver-based Mercury Filmworks has promoted Michael O'Brien to theposition of Production Manager for Mercury's Digital Animation Group.O'Brien has been with the company as co-ordinator since July of 1998,shortly after Mercury Filmworks opened its doors. Prior to joining Mercury,O'Brien worked at Marv Newland's animation studio Rocketship International.