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Cartoon Network announces fall highlights

Cartoon Network, the 24 hour all-cartoon cable service, has announcedseveral highlights on its fall schedule. These include: a TINY TOONMARATHON on Sunday, September 19, 12-8 pm; the premiere of new series MIKE,LU & OG, created by Chuck Swenson, Mikhail Aldashin, and Mikhail Shindel,on November 12; the premiere of new series COURAGE, THE COWARDLY DOG,created by John R. Dilworth, on November 12; the television premiere of thefeature-length SCOOBY-DOO AND THE WITCH'S GHOST on November 27 at 8 pm.(The film will also be available on VHS beginning October 5, 1999); a onehour special of DEXTER'S LABORATORY on December 10 at 7 pm and January 1,2000 at 12 am; a 48-hour marathon of Looney Tunes, MIL-LOONEY-UM, onDecember 18-19; and a JETSONS MILLENIUM CELEBRATION December 30, 10am-December 31, midnight. Also, a new season of SPACE GHOST COAST TO COASTwill premiere in October.

Read more about Space Ghost in "Late Night with Space Ghost" by HeatherKenyon in the July 1998 issue of Animation World Magazine.