Touchstone TV merges with ABC
Walt Disney-owned companies Touchstone Television Productions and ABCTelevision Group are merging to form ABC Entertainment Television Group.According to ABC Television Group president Pat Fili-Krushel, "The goal inconsolidation is to produce creative results that result in more Disneyproduct on ABC and also allow us to achieve economies of scale." In otherwords, this consolidation will likely result in more Disney-producedtelevision programming appearing on ABC (Touchstone currently has only two
Mercury Filmworks adds 3D
One year old Vancouver-based Mercury Filmworks, a fully equipped digitalanimation facility, has added 3D production to its list of in-houseservices. Currently, the 3D animation department at Mercury is working onthe television series D'MYNA LEAGUES, which has been created and developedby Vancouver-based animation house Studio B, and is slated to air onCanada's CTV/VTV in January 2000. With the addition of the new 3Ddepartment, Mercury is now unique in its ability to take not just a single
Cartoon Network offers "Shorties"
"Shorties" is a series of two-minute animated shorts that re-interpret someof Hanna-Barbera's lesser known, but fondly-remembered characters such asAtom Ant, Jabberjaw, and Wally Gator. The shorts began to air in Junethroughout the day on Cartoon Network during breaks from regularlyscheduled programming. They feature original plots and different animationtechniques for each short, and aim to update these characters with anironic, post-modern twist. Techniques include cel animation, cut-outs,
Silver Fox to produce ANGELMOUSE
Children's BBC has commissioned newly formed London-based Silver Fox Filmsto produce ANGELMOUSE, a 26-part series for the BBC. The series is about alittle mouse who has been sent down from heaven to help out. He's not verygood at his job, however, and whenever a good deed backfires, as oftenhappens, his halo dims or disappears. Graham Ralph is directing the serieswhich is slated to debut later this year. Graham Ralph recently formedSliver Fox after relinquishing his stake in London-based Hibbert Ralph
CBS announces Saturday morning schedule
The CBS Television Network's 1999-2000 Saturday Morning schedule, whichbegins on October 2, includes three returning shows and three new ones, allproduced by Toronto-based Nelvana. The new series are RESCUE HEROES,BLASTER'S UNIVERSE, and NEW TALES FROM THE CRYPT. RESCUES HEROES is about ateam of international emergency response professionals, and is designed tointroduce young viewers to preparedness and safety techniques. BLASTER'SUNIVERSE is based on a series of CD-ROMs from Knowledge Adventure. Set in
Don't miss the Voice Over Group meeting
The Voice Over Group meets Monday, July 12, and every second Monday of themonth at Monday, July 12, 7 pm in Burbank, California, USA. Contact MJLallo at (818) 980-6576 or Murel Whitaker at (310) 412-2719.
TARZAN 2 is in the works
Given the fact that TARZAN OF THE APES, Edgar Rice Burroughs' first Tarzannovel, has already spawned innumerable sequels in both print and movieform, it should be no surprise that Disney already has plans for a sequelto its very successful TARZAN. Decisions regarding whether the sequel willbe theatrical or direct-to-video, as well as who will direct it, have yetto be announced.
Disney promotes Stephen De Kanter
Disney Consumer Products has named Stephen De Kanter, a 10-year veteran ofDisney Consumer Products, president of Global Licensing, a new organizationthat will oversee Disney's worldwide merchandise-licensing operations. DeKanter has led Disney Consumer Products Latin America since 1989. In hisnew role, de Kanter will be responsible for planning, strategy, andlicensee management for all Disney licensing activities. Walt DisneyInternational has responsibility for the performance of The Walt Disney Co.
Sirius Thinking hires Sharon Lerner
Sirius Thinking, Ltd. has hired Sharon Lerner as senior vice-president ofcreative development and animation producer for the new series BETWEEN THELINES, a series for children that is scheduled to premiere on PBS in April2000. Lerner was one of the first ten people hired by Children's TelevisionWorkshop to create SESAME STREET, and was, until recently, thevice-president and publisher of the Random House Children's Media Division.
Rhino/Turner release KING KONG soundtrack
The soundtrack for Willis O'Brien's stop-motion masterpiece, KING KONG, isbeing released by Turner Classic Movies Music/Rhino Movie Music. Composedby Max Steiner, the collection includes music cues from the 1933 RKO film'smost memorable moments, featuring a nearly 25-minute suite consisting ofpreviously unreleased material. The liner notes includes an introduction byDanny Elfman (of the band, Oingo Boingo, and composer of many soundtracks,including EDWARD SCISSORHANDS, BATMAN, and SLEEPY HOLLOW), and notes by
Trendmasters gets Cartoon Network license
Warner Bros. Consumer Products has awarded Trendmasters, Inc., a toydesigner and manufacturer, the master toy license for Cartoon Network'sanimated series including THE POWERPUFF GIRLS, DEXTER'S LABORATORY and COW& CHICKEN. In addition, Trendmasters has also secured the master toy rightsfor Cartoon Network's classic characters including Yogi Bear andSnagglepuss. Under the terms of the multi-year agreement, Trendmasters,Inc. has the rights to produce toy related merchandise including toy
Infogrames releases Antz
Infogrames and DreamWorks will release ANTZ for Game Boy Color this fall inthe US. Based on the animated film, the game will star the famous ant Z, aninsecure little bug who has high hopes of finding Insectopia, a mysticalworld where food is plentiful and all insects live in peace. ANTZ allowskids to jump into the action. Ant-oriented hazards presented to theminiature heroes include acidic termites, out-of-control water droplets,gum-soled shoes and, the sun-filled, magnifying glass. Infogrames is a
Summer kids jam at Universal Studios
Beginning July 2, star characters from Nickelodeon's popular BLUE'S CLUESand RUGRATS shows, "character breakfasts" featuring Woody Woodpecker,Spiderman, and other world-famous cartoon stars are part of the fun plannedfor kids this summer at Universal Studios Hollywood. "Blue's Clues Live"follows the format of the children's television show. Guided by cluessupplied by "Blue," kids solve puzzles, play games, and sing songs alongwith Blue. "Woody Woodpecker's Clubhouse" features a themed playground
TARZAN cracks top 100 all time North American grosses
Disney's TARZAN, based on the Edgar Rice Burroughs character, finishedfourth, grossing an estimated $11.3 million at the US weekend boxoffice tobring its total to $129.5 million. This puts it on the list of 100top-grossing films of all-time in North America. It has already surpassedDisney's previous animated feature, MULAN, which grossed $120.5 million.Warner Bros.' WILD WILD WEST, with digital effects by ILM, finished second,grossing an estimated $16.7 million for a total of $76.4 million; STAR WARS
Workout your character voices!
Workout your character voices July 10, and every second Saturday of themonth, at Aliso Creek Productions in Burbank, California, USA. Directed byMJ Lall, voice over actor, coach, and producer, you'll read scripts byWomen In Animation writers, and do voice-to-picture workouts for WIAartists. Voice over artists, writers, and artists are encouraged to attendand participate with samples of their work. Call Aliso Creek to register at(818) 954-9931.
A CELEBRITY DEATHMATCH feature is in the works
MTV Films and Paramount Pictures has signed creator Eric Fogel to write,direct, and produce a CELEBRITY DEATHMATCH feature. The feature will bebased on the TV series which premiered on MTV in 1998, and features clayanimated caricatures of celebrities who fight each other in wrestlingmatches. Bouts have pitted Marilyn Manson against Charles Manson, HillaryClinton against Monica Lewinsky, and Richard Simmons against DavidLetterman. Before CELEBRITY DEATHMATCH, Fogel directed a short film, THEMUTILATOR, and another MTV series, THE HEAD.
Full Sail hires Rita Street
Full Sail, an animation school in Florida, has hired Rita Street as ChiefEditor of Full Sail's Platinum Creative Department. She will be in chargeof advertising copywriting, editing Full Sail's magazine, GET IN!, abi-annual which is about Full Sail and getting a job in the animationindustry in general, plus writing copy for Full Sail's web-site which willre-launch with a new look in September. Street was formerly Editor in Chiefof FILM AND VIDEO in Los Angeles.
Graphiti animates Wimpy's Fast Food
India-based Graphiti Multimedia has completed a :20 spot for Wimpy's FastFood (New Delhi, India). The spot features a jolly and plump animated manwho entices viewers by wielding his fork around live footage of a Wimpy'scheeseburger and fries. Graphiti used Cambridge Animation Systems' Animosoftware. Puneet directed for production company Chaitra Leo Burnette(Delhi).
YELLOW SUBMARINE returns to video!
Long-withheld due to a legal snag, this fall MGM Home Entertainment will bereissuing YELLOW SUBMARINE. This release will restore YELLOW SUBMARINE toits original English release length, which is said to be three and a halfminutes longer than the US release, restoring the "Hey Bulldog" sequencethat was cut for reasons of length for the original Amercian theatricalrelease. MGM/UA's new transfer is said to be bright and colorful, without atrace of the film dirt and scratches that mar the earlier video release.
Aerosmith rocks Disney
The five members of rock band Aerosmith, Steven Tyler, vocals; Joe Perry,guitars; Brad Whitford, guitars; Tom Hamilton, bass; and Joey Kramer,drums, have teamed with Walt Disney Imagineering to create a high-speedthrill ride for Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida, called Rock'n' Roller Coaster starring Aerosmith. It debuts this summer at Disney-MGMStudios. The indoor roller coaster features a high-speed launch of 0-60 mphin 2.8 seconds, three inversions, rock-concert lighting and a specially
NASFiC calls for entries
Affiliated with the World Science Fiction Convention, the North AmericanScience Fiction Convention which takes place in Anaheim, California, August26 - 29, 1999, is held whenever the WSFC is outside of North America (as itis this year in Australia). The convention includes hundreds of authors,artists, and filmmakers as speakers; an art show; a dealers room; films;costume competition; dances; parties and more. The film competition acceptsentries in 16mm and VHS (NTSC only), to be judged by a panel of working TV
Don't miss the WIA Writers' Seminar Group meeting
The WIA Writers' Seminar Group meets Thursday, July 8, 7:30 pm at SabanEntertainment, 10960 Wilshire Blvd. at the corner of Midvale in LosAngeles, California, USA. Brian Casentini from Saban Development will beguest speaker. He'll discuss the development process at the Fox FamilyChannel, pitching, and what you should include in a presentation bible.Admission: $5 at the door. RSVP required to Jean Wright at 818-360-8321.
Spend an Evening with the Professionals!
An Evening with the Professionals meets every third Thursday of themonth. This is a studio field trip series which brings the audienceinto a different studio each month to talk to industry professionals abouta topic that changes monthly. The topic for July 17 (7-9 pm) is, "Whatwriters should know about producers." It is hosted by Rhythm & Hues, andthe speakers include Ken Roupenian (Producer at Rhythm & Hues), KareyMaltzahn (2D/Post Exececutive Producer at Rhythm & Hues), Lynne Southerland
DINOTOPIA is coming to ABC
The ABC network, which is owned by The Walt Disney Co., has ordered asix-hour miniseries based on the first two installments of James Gurney'sfantasy book series, DINOTOPIA which is about a world in which humans andhighly-evolved dinosaurs live together in harmony. With the exception ofStephen King projects THE SHINING and STORM OF THE CENTURY, DINOTOPIA marksABC's biggest miniseries time commitment since 1988's 30-hour WAR ANDREMEMBRANCE which starred Robert Mitchum. Some sources estimate the cost at
Gnomon offers visual effects classes
Hollywood, California-based Gnomon, a school for visual effects, hasexpanded their offerings of short-format classes. Designed both for currentworking professionals and individuals wanting to get into digital effectsand animation, these seminars and workshops are between a hour-and-a-halfand six hours long. Courses include Intro to 3D Concepts, Color Theory forMovies, Integrating 2D and 3D CGI, Maya 2.0: Dynamics, Maya 2.0: Fur,Resume Workshop, Interviewing and Negotiating Skills, and Math for