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Rhino/Turner release KING KONG soundtrack

The soundtrack for Willis O'Brien's stop-motion masterpiece, KING KONG, isbeing released by Turner Classic Movies Music/Rhino Movie Music. Composedby Max Steiner, the collection includes music cues from the 1933 RKO film'smost memorable moments, featuring a nearly 25-minute suite consisting ofpreviously unreleased material. The liner notes includes an introduction byDanny Elfman (of the band, Oingo Boingo, and composer of many soundtracks,including EDWARD SCISSORHANDS, BATMAN, and SLEEPY HOLLOW), and notes byauthor and film historian Rudy Behlmer (MEMO FROM DAVID O. SELZNICK).Presented in two parts, part one represents a condensed version of directorMerian C. Cooper's classic film and includes dialogue, sound effects andSteiner's landmark score. Part two represents all of the music from KINGKONG that survives in isolated fashion. Presented as a symphonic suite,selections were taken from a variety of source material includingpromotional 78-rpm records that were pressed at the time of production andother cues that existed on nitrate film in the form of alternate takes andportions of takes. KING KONG will be available August 31, 1999 for asuggested list of US$16.98.
