General Discussions
Howler 10 now shipping
Howler 10 now shipping
Howler digital paint and vfx animation software version 10 released, featuring new particle, bristle brush, orbicle and foliage painting options. To learn more about Howler 10, visit or our affiliate,
New features:
Animation Project for a Short Story Website!
Hi Guys, just wanted to let the animation world know of a project I am tring to create! It is going to be a 30 - 45 second promotional animation video for my short story website about cartoons I created. You can view my whole project here. Let me know what you think!
Low tuition/ tuition free Universities with Bachelor degree in Animation taught in English
I´m looking for any University around the world with low tuition fees, or zero tuition fees to study a Bachelor degree in Animation taught in English.
If you have any information, please share it
Novice needs feedback
I'm working on an animation piece for my class and wondering if I could also get some feedback here as will. So, for me as a novice work on this for a very long time.
But here what I got:
Still working on the blocking of the animation. It is a 10 second animation and meanly forcing on body mechanics for now.
Walk cycle stewart
Please critique this to improve my animation.......................
Maya Python scripting tutorial, skinning
Hi guys,
I worked out a little tutorial on how to script a very useful tool in Maya with Python that can transfer/copy skincluster and skinweights from one model to another.
Watch and download the script from here:
It's very useful in production for when the assets get updated, or if there is a topology change.
information about animation
I'm an animation student who have questions from those who are in the animation field such as how did you get to where you are, obstacles you faced, skills you possess,recommendations for those who wish to pursue animation. Pretty much a small bio
how much do animated 3D kids tv series sell for?
91-9587549251 ~~~inte rcast love marr iage specialist
I am working on my degree in Entertainment Business and am currently looking to meet with anyone who worked at Filmation Studios in the 1980s to sit down with me for a few minutes and talk about their experiences working for that company. I want to learn more about how the studio operated from day to day.
noob here ^^ hi all
here steff of la bonne anime do fr. i come to this forum to exchanges points of view. i'm stephane, french as the text i 'm writting would tell you ^^ and i do animated shorts and other since 1997. i did made severals shot movies and one advertisement for yoplait of danone. at the moment i am proposing a short 13x3 minuts serial for tv book, a short movie in full hd is on prod yet (a big friend is making the sound for) and a vidéo clip in cut paper animation will be in a book. so then i'm new and i think happy to be of yours
I'm a beginner and I don't know where to start.
I'm 15 and the idea of 2Danimation always fascinated me but I have no idea how or where to start.I have been researching different laptops,tablets,and software but the more I look the more confused I get! I don't need anything expensive or professional because I want to try this as a hobby for now (I've been looking mainly at used items). But the biggest problem I have is that I don't know exactly what I need. I'm afraid of buying items that aren't compatible or that arent exactly what I need. I'm very confused and I've been frustrated for a while. How do I get started and what do I need ?
Question about salaries and payment
Hello everyone,
I recently had an interview for an animation position involving video mapping. Essentially the job would entail creating animations that would be projected onto 3D objects at shows, parties or weddings. The business is a small one that works out of the owners house. I would be working from home and sending in my animations to him. He has asked me to determine what my pay would be and how I would go about receiving it.
Hi there! I'm new to the forum thank you for accepting me! I've been working for 2 years now on a badass animated series called WINDWALKERS, which really need you today and that is why I'm writing here. This is not a viral buzz campaign or anything like this, this really concerns a small creative studio and its survival!!
WINDWALKERS is based on the best selling sci-fi novel The Horde of the counterwind written by the French author Alain Damasio (also author of the AAA video game Remember me).
Academic Research
Hello everyone, I hope you all have a good day. Now I'm not sure whether it's alright to post this in here but if it's against the forum then by all means move this thread to the appropriate topic channel or remove it if it's not allowed.
Video and short story competition
Have you ever heard of the Passion Competition? No? Why not?
We are in our 8th year and are hoping to see more entries than ever before this year. The concept of this competition is to make a video (can be one you made previously or a new one specifically for the contest) that adheres to a theme selected for that specific year. Any form of animation is allowed and we also accept live action films.
Watch A la mala Online.........
Watch A la mala Online.........Watch A la mala Online.........Watch A la mala Online.........
[url=]Watch Hot Pursuit Online[/url]
[url=]Watch The D Train Online[/url]
walk cycle
please critique this...............
This year's full touring programme has now been finalised and we're excited to announce that we will be curating short film programmes from some of this year's best short film submissons for festival across the world:
Trinidad & Tobago Film Festival
Sardinia Film Festival
Screenplay Film Festival (Shetland)
Hidden Door Art Festival (Edinburgh)
For details on how to submit, please see:
ALL FREE animations on Animstreet!
Over 10,000+ FREE motion capture BVH files. only from