noob here ^^ hi all

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noob here ^^ hi all


here steff of la bonne anime do fr. i come to this forum to exchanges points of view. i'm stephane, french as the text i 'm writting would tell you ^^ and i do animated shorts and other since 1997. i did made severals shot movies and one advertisement for yoplait of danone. at the moment i am proposing a short 13x3 minuts serial for tv book, a short movie in full hd is on prod yet (a big friend is making the sound for) and a vidéo clip in cut paper animation will be in a book. so then i'm new and i think happy to be of yours



Do you have a link to your

Do you have a link to your videos?

hello wontobe

hello wontobe

yes i do have one, please accept my apologies because of french text

so here it is
