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The Business of Animation

What is the best approach to pitch an animation idea to the animation industry

By toxicink | Friday, December 18, 2009 at 9:36am

What is the best approach to pitch an animation idea to the animation industry

I have two 30 min full animations both target audience to the 7 to 12 age

kinda silly like "Spong bob" nothing like "The Simpsons"

I am in need to find a way to pitch my animation ideas to the animation industry

any addvice would be nice

here are 2 samples links...

"The Chronicles of Heather and her monster"

help in finding a real animation management company or an animation agent

By toxicink | Monday, December 7, 2009 at 11:43pm

I have been trying to find a reputable animation company or an animation agent.
I have found several "so called" animation managers and agents but thay all ways seem to be fakes or fonnys trying to get to my bank account or some Joe Shmoe wababe.

Hay! I'm no big time Big wig my self but I am the talent so I should have a talented person or company representing me as well

any who, all I wan't is a chance to show my talent.
if it takes showing links to my work then I'll do it but I have been doing that since day one, any lead would saffice.

2D/Flash Animator/Concept artist- looking for a job

By Kodinkenji | Tuesday, December 1, 2009 at 1:41am

Hey there,

My name's Amit Tishler. I'm a 2D/Flash animator (also a concept artist, storyboarder and character designer) with a BFA in Animation. I have experience as both an independent film maker, a freelance animator, and a in-house animator for a local studio (3 full in house TV productions as a lead animator).

I'm looking for a job abroad, US, Canada or The UK in order to advance in my career and experience beyond what the Israeli Industry can provide. I'm thinking about the bigger picture in my future career.

here's my Animation Portpholio:

HoBSoft: On a €6M prod. we can reduce cost by €1M at a fee of less than €200K

HoBSoft Automated animation workflow for feature and tv-series

HoBSoft provides integrated production systems for animated feature films.

On a €6M production we can reduce production cost by €1M for a fee of less than €200K.

We have extensive experience from several international co-productions with budgets of €6M and above.

HoBSoft is hired as a department or team on your production.

Questionnaire about Japanese subculture!

By midoly | Sunday, November 22, 2009 at 10:06am

I'm a Japanese university student and I love Anime and Manga!
I've been researching about subculture of Japanese Manga and Anime for the final project at my university so I'd like you to answer the questionnaire.
Also I was lucky to find this site because I had no idea how to be answered the questionnaire by foreigners..
I hope you to answer it.«

Thank you for reading!

DreamWorks Animation is looking for an Outreach Supervisor

By DreamWorks1 | Wednesday, November 18, 2009 at 9:42am

Outreach Supervisor
Location: Redwood City, CA

DreamWorks Animation’s Outreach Program is founded upon strong relationships with key university programs in art, animation and computer graphics. Every year, we work with a wide range of schools across the country and overseas, to identify students who might have potential as DreamWorks artists or engineers. Open positions vary from year to year, but include all major production departments. We look for talented students who are energetic, dedicated, resourceful and full of ideas.


Artist Looking For A Job

By kd_online | Saturday, November 14, 2009 at 7:18pm

Animated Life


I'm an artist (cartoonist, animator, storyboard artist, illustrator & more) looking for a job in U.S., Canada or Australia, and an opportunity to work, and to build a bridge with my region in the future. I've had awards for my short cartoon films and my complete biography & productions are available at my website

If someone is looking, or can guide, I'll be happy, Thank you,

SAVE 50% on your ANIMATION production cost!

By djprk | Tuesday, November 10, 2009 at 1:01pm

Hire Snap Animation Studio !!!

Snap Animation Studio is a prevalent team of Designers and Animators which expertise in stipulating Originative cum Optimum services for 2D/3D Animation and Visual Effects related projects. Our core concentration lies in prior attention to our Client's requirement(s) and asserts their satisfaction level at pre-production and post-production stages.

We are Animation Studio...If U have Project -Plz. Contact

By gmsinfo | Tuesday, November 10, 2009 at 12:10am

WELCOME TV Series ANIMATION BUYER'S / Producer / Distributor.....

We are a complete Animation - studio in Kolkata, INDIA. If you have any project to outsource, you may please consider us. We do Animation, TV series, Animated CD/ DVDs, Animated Short Film, Animated Music Video, VFX, Wire Removing, video footage etc.

Best Regards
Amitava Sengupta
Marketing Manager, Aniway. Kolkata. India

Welcome - all Animation Producer, financer, Cartoon TV Channel

By gmsinfo | Thursday, September 10, 2009 at 8:27am


We are Animation Production Studio. we are ready to make a Animation TV series, Animation Film, Animated Documentary, Animated CD / DVDs, Animated music video, Animated Educational etc.

interested Producer, Financer, TV channel plz. contact:


Web Site:

Animation Studio,
Kolkata, India.

New international project for animators of all types

By Sergeyd | Saturday, September 5, 2009 at 2:23pm

Hi, creative Friends! Visit It is for animators of all types and directions!
In this site we can really become the richest and most famous animator on the planet! Let’s participate in multibudgetary (from $10,000 to $1,000,000) and international competitions! It is a really exciting project!
The great launch of the these crazy contests will take place on October 1, 2009 at 7:00 PM (Eastern Time) on

What should I expect from my agent/representation?

By adamcalfee | Saturday, August 15, 2009 at 1:19pm

Hi, hello. I am relatively new to all of this, but I have started my own studio and things started strong, but have been tapering down. My studio is MoreFrames ( We broke out with a few music videos which have been rather successful both online and at festival. Since that however, we haven't got much of anything. We have had multiple "interested parties" but nothing seems to pan out.

Need Suggestion Regarding Animation Contract !

By djprk | Sunday, August 2, 2009 at 11:48am

Few months back i got a 2d animation project for my studio from one of the US animation company . I also signed in contract & exchanged it via email . Everything went fine & project was successfully completed & also i handed over him the final stuff as per contract.He paid us half of the money ! AndIts been a month now i have contacted the guy/owner of the company via email many a times about the last payment which he still owes & i guess he is not interested in paying it & giving silly excuses like " i am still figuring out how to pay you "

Wanting to Start My Own Animation Business

By gunraidan | Thursday, July 30, 2009 at 7:17am

I've always wanted to start my own animation business. However I know that I probably should start off small instead of going directly for stuff like TV shows and movies and the like as you most likely have to either work your way up to that status or be really lucky. I also plan to really do my homework as I will research with what made successful companies blowup as well as what made many unsuccessful companies go down.

Needing advice

Hell everyone. I need some advice if you guys don't mind. I'm thinking pitching a action/adventure/superhero cartoon to the networks. I'm in the process of doing the copyright now. I'm a writer/artist, but I can write better than I can draw. I'm working on a bible now. I did most of the character designs already and bios for all my characters.

General Model Sheet cost in US

By BrioCyrain | Wednesday, July 22, 2009 at 8:19am

Animation writer who loves...Animation!

I was wondering what is the general model cost here in the US since Character Designs are practically essential for animators for an animated film or series.

I've been chatting with a korean studio about their services and they said they do 2500-3000 USD per model. Is this cheaper or around the range in the US?

If someone can answer this it would help, thanks.
