Questionnaire about Japanese subculture!

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Questionnaire about Japanese subculture!

I'm a Japanese university student and I love Anime and Manga!
I've been researching about subculture of Japanese Manga and Anime for the final project at my university so I'd like you to answer the questionnaire.
Also I was lucky to find this site because I had no idea how to be answered the questionnaire by foreigners..
I hope you to answer it.«

Thank you for reading!

They are mostly about the

They are mostly about the fashion, especially the clothes. Most of them are Western style. They also have their own style of music, which is very popular all over the world. I think they have a very strict schedule and they follow it strictly. Just have a look on this source to download premium japnese templates. They even think that following it strictly makes them better than others, which is not true at all.