Tagged With: VFX

PipelineFX Headline News

Escape Studios Taps Qube! to Help VFX Students Reach for the Stars

PipelineFX’s industry-standard render farm manager lets Europe’s leading VFX academy launch young artists into jobs on movies like ‘Interstellar’ and ‘Gravity.’

VIEW 2015 Headline News

VIEW Conference Unveils 2015 Keynote Speakers

Italy’s premier computer graphics conference announces keynote session with ‘The Little Prince’ director Mark Osborne, Skywalker Sound’s Randy Thom, ‘The Book of Life’ director Jorge R. Gutierrez, and ‘On Ice’ director Shannon Tindle.

Visual Effects Society Headline News

14th Annual VES Awards Rules & Procedures Now Available

Every year the Visual Effects Society’s Awards committee refines the rules and procedures to hone the experience for the VFX community.

Blackmagic Design Headline News

Blackmagic’s Fusion 8 Public Beta is Now Available for Download

First-ever Mac-compatible release of visual effects and motion graphics software to be followed by a public beta for Fusion 8 Studio, which adds stereoscopic 3D tools and is designed for multi-user workgroups.

Visual Effects Headline News

MPC LA Scores with ‘Madden NFL 16’

Teaming with agency Heat and award-winning director Wayne McClammy of prodco hungry man, MPC LA’s team of world-renowned artists provides VFX and post services for a new trailer for EA’s ‘Madden NFL 16.’

lawsuits Headline News

Hollywood Studio Antitrust Lawsuit Back in Play

District Judge Lucy Koh rejects the requests of Disney, DreamWorks, Pixar, Sony and other Hollywood studios to dismiss claims the companies violated antitrust laws by conspiring to suppress the wages of animation and VFX artists.

Feature Film VFX VFXWorld

Timed for a Killing: Double Negative Takes on ‘Terminator Genisys’

VFX supervisor Pete Bebb walks us through DNeg’s extensive work on robotic assassins, digital doubles and Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Guardian in the latest ‘Terminator’ franchise flick.

VES Headline News

Visual Effects Society Releases Demo Material Guidelines

VES guidelines for the usage and release of work-for-hire materials presented as part of a demo reel portfolio by VFX facilities and practitioners are aimed at providing reasonable access for artists to showcase their work while protecting the ownership rights of studios and producers.

VIEW 2015 Headline News

Jorge Gutierrez to Deliver Keynote at VIEW 2015

Other featured talks at VIEW 2015 to include Blue Sky’s Scott Carroll on ‘The Peanuts Movie,’ Pixar’s Kim White on ‘Inside Out’ and Sony’s Michael Kurinsky on production design for ‘Hotel Transylvania 2.’
